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Start from the beginning

"She will find a way, " Clay dismisses.

"But she's suicidal!" Hades barked. His attractive drawl is now venomous. "She's family!"

Clay suddenly stooped forward, slamming his unsteady fists into the table. "Let me remind you, Henry!" Clay spat, pointing a finger towards the dark-skinned man. "You ain't nothin' but a bastard of Arthur! You ain't even a part of this Charter! Titus should be sitting in that chair! Not you! So keep your mouth shut and don't talk to me like I'm yah momma. Got it?"

Without a word, Hades stood straight up and stormed out of the Chapel. Juan watched the double doors sway back and forth, before sucking in quietly. There is so much drama surrounding this family. He questioned what truly happened.

"We have to do something Clay, " Jax spoke after a long moment of silence. "We can't keep sweeping this under the rug."

Clay shook his head, holding the gavel in his left hand and kneading his temple with his right. "I said no! I'm done with this." Clay bangs the gavel.

Soon after, the Chapel is cleared. Juan being the last to leave while Clay and Jax remained behind to argue about Clay's dismissive behavior. The Morrow and Knox family were known for being rivals. For reasons, Jax didn't understand, still, this is beyond just simple competition. Past shit shouldn't allow clouded judgment.

Juan paused just as the Chapel's door closed. He watched as Chibs pat Hades on the shoulder whilst throwing Jinx's kutte onto the bar countertop. The uncle and nephew duo sat side by side, speaking lowly with passion. Juan didn't move until Hades snapped his glare at him. Gripping his beer bottle tightly. His medium-sized eyes were similar to Clove's. Soulless yet pleading. Juan could see the family's resemblance.

It wasn't until Hades looked at the Prospect did Juan notice his gaping expression stuck on the latter. Juan couldn't comprehend why no one disobeyed Clay's orders. Why Hades recoiled from Clay. If Clove is in danger, shouldn't they do something about it? Shouldn't her brother do something?

"Get to work, Juice! This place is filthy!" Tig says from behind the bar, throwing a damp rag in his direction. With a small smile, Juan caught the rag in his hands, ignoring the new nickname. Wishing things could be different.


Later that night, a party grew thick inside of the Clubhouse. Every night, the bikers decided after a long day of criminal activities - why not go wild and do even more criminal deeds. Music blared inside the walls and Croweaters swarmed the place with hopes of finding a Son that may take them as their Old Lady. Juan enjoyed the parties, even though he had to tend to the official members. Still, it gave him something to do at night, and seeing half-naked women wasn't a bad thing either.

Yet, tonight, Juan's head wouldn't think about the Croweaters batting their eyelashes his way. His mind had been stuck on Clove. The image of her beauty the night they met stuck behind his eyelids. The way she spoke and her rather strange personality made Juan's chest swell.

Holding the back door leading inside open with his foot, Juan held a box of alcoholic beverages in hand. His brown eyes studied the tops of each bottle cap as he pondered about Clove.

Then, as if a train had struck him, Juan's thoughts went back to the bridge.

"Fuck!" Juan whispered as his breathing quickened. Without thinking, he drops the box. Ignoring the glass breaking and liquid splashing all over the red carpet of the hallway. "I know where she is!"

With no time to think about his actions, Juan ran down the hall and entered the main room of the Clubhouse. Other members turned their attention to him as he weaved through the crowd. Calling out for him for their replenishments. He ignores them, leaving out of the building without looking back. Hades is the only to suspect Juice knew where his half-sister may be. He doesn't follow, however. The eldest Knox simply goes back to glaring at his glass of whiskey.


As soon as his Harley came to a stop in the parking of the sanctuary; Juan tore his helmet from his scalp and practically threw it beside his motorcycle. He ran down the dimly lit path leading to the secluded bridge. His pounds against his chest as the sound of his boots are muffled through the throbbing of his eardrums. She had to be here.

Juan only thought of this place because of the remembrance of that night. He feared she may try again or maybe, just maybe, Clove is waiting for him. Juan pleaded to God that the second option would come to view as he drew closer to the old bridge.

Finally, Juan ceased his sprinting once he saw Clove leaning over the railing of the bridge. Her forearms kept her balance as a cigarette hung between her fingers. Curly hair in a messy bun. His jacket still clung to her body while her boots kept her feet warm.

The woman raised her head and ever so slightly placed her eyes on the man who saved her life. Sweat rolled down his forehead as he attempts to clear his airways.

With a scoff, Clove smiles at him then took a long drag from her cigarette.

"Took you long enough, " Clove says, looking back out towards the river.

"You've - been waiting?" Juan breathed, moving a little closer.

"Not at first, " Clove admits, looking back at her new friend. "I wanted to jump but your dumb face came up and my moral compass told me not to." With another smile, she drops the cigarette over the bridge railing and turned to face Juan fully. With a quick examination, her playful manner changes. The look of worry is written all over Juan. As if he feared his lover would tragically pull a Juliet. She came to realize as he took yet another step, that this is real.

What she thought to be true only part of her paranoia.

"Everyone is worried, " Juan tells her with ears still burning. He stood in place as she walked before him. Standing in front of Juan with a blank gaze. "Look, I don't know what is going on. I'm just a Prospect. I didn't even know you were part of the club - I wouldn't lie to you -"

As Juan rushed to defend himself about this morning, wanting Clove to understand that he never meant to hurt her; Clove threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace. His throat hitched as he smelt cigarettes and cherry blossom perfume. Strands of thick hair tickled his cheek as she pressed her lips against his earlobe.

"You are falling in love with me already, aren't you?" Clove whispered.

The hairs on the back of his neck began to stand and his face tingled with embarrassment. Her touch sudden and alluring voice caused his already broken thoughts to burst into flames.

"What?" Juan swallowed.

"My guardian angel, you poor soul, is falling in love with the damsel in distress. That's a dangerous thing to do."

Juan stood in silence as she pulled away, resting one hand on his jawline. His brown eyes kept on her hazel ones. Conflicted by her choice of words.

This wasn't about love, this was about saving a life. Doing better for the sake of humanity.

How could you fall in love with someone in a matter of a day? That's not how the world works, right?

But as Juan studied the woman wearing only his hoodie taking in her features as he did before; A feeling began to move deep in his chest. He didn't save her because it was the right thing to do but because he saw himself in another body. Another sad soul striding onward on this miserable planet. Once Juan planted his gaze on her silhouette, the emotion called love became apparent.

"Take me back to them, Juan. I want to see my uncle now."

Juan, unable to fathom a sentence, pressed his lips together.  She took his hand and pulled him down the path. As she kept her gaze towards the night atmosphere, admiring the stars, Juan kept his awareness on Clove. Still unable to see their future together unfolding into a mess of chaos.

Here I Stand √ Juice Ortiz.Where stories live. Discover now