Arc 2 Part 3: Celestial Weapon

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  "I fought off the remaining  Reapers  but was heavily wounded in doing so. Been down here ever since. Now, what have you been up to Mei?" Stolas asked with clear curiosity.  "After I was taken to the Celestial Realm Samael presented  me to his superiors. It was then that he was given the order by the Creator God to turn me into a living weapon for the war."
  Mei pauses and casts her gaze downward to avoid eye contact before continuing. "Gradually Samael replaced half of my demon blood with his Archangel blood.  Then, after that was completed  he fed me the souls he gathered from his work as head of the Reaper Corps.  He made it so I cannot  die even after being torn into nothing. He'd  always get this demented look on this face whenever he could test the limits of my regeneration. This went on for what seemed like decades  until I broke free of his chains. I took his life for what he did to me." Mei shakily looks at her hands before balling them up into fists. 
  She sighs deeply then continues her story. "Unfortunately, one of the Reapers  saw me kill Samael so he sounded  an alarm and began to hunt me down. During my escape from my pursuers I was heavily wounded and fell to the Devildom. There I was rescued by the King of the Devildom - Diavolo's  father.  He brought me to his castle and with the help of his doctors  I was nursed back to health.  Some time afterwards the Archangel  Michael came to escort me to the Celestial  High Court. Facing the charge of murder of an Archangel. The  court having learned  of Samael's  various misdeeds in the Three Realms found me not guilty. However, I was to serve as the new head of the Reaper Corps. After the case was concluded I was taken back to the Devildom  and was adopted by the King. Recently, I have unlocked the memories of my past  and I decided to come  here for answers."
  Mei explained  to Stolas then turned to point at the lotus  staff. "So tell  me is there some sort of ritual  to release thier souls or something?" She asked her companion. Stolas stands up to face the pedestal  and offers his hand to Mei to help her stand as well. " Yes there is such a ritual. This ritual can only be performed by you the Matriarch. Souls will be turned to lotus sprouts and be reborn anew. The land will be cleansed  of darkness   and again become a part of the Devildom." Stolas said reciting the prophecy.

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