RAD Beach Event

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May 4th, 2021 

~What really happened after leaving the beach.~

🖤Spectre Perspective🖤

Why ...why  must she hide her feelings? Bottling up all her frustration and anger. Does she enjoy hiding behind a mask?

🌸 Mei🌸

Mei continued to run but from what? That answer was simple she was running from herself. She always feared her other half. To her it was a monster....but was it really? She looks down at a nearby pond and sees that her transformation is nearly complete. Tea ... I need my tea before I lose myself to my anger. Rummaging through her belongings she finds her special suppressant made of Angel's Tears flowers and Shadowroot. I need to get back to the resort and brew this.  She staggers out into the open and opens her six  bat-like wings. Thrusting her wings downwards she ascends and flies towards the beach. Having reached the beach she blacks out and crashes into the sand below. Echoing inside her head she hears,"you never learn do you?"

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