Chapter 6 - Fort Rozz Up In Air

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Dreamer's P.O.V.

"Guys, the next video is how Kara took Fort Rozz up in the space." I say. Cisco asks" What is Fort Rozz?" I say" Fort Rozz is Krypton's maximum-security prison. Okay onto the video."

"I'm going to fly Fort Rozz into space myself. It's the only way we can get Myriad off the planet." Kara says." That is not an option, Kara. Once you're in space,there's no atmosphere. There's no gravity. You wouldn't be able to generate thrust, you wouldn't be able to breathe,you wouldn't be able to get back." Alex says." There is no other way. No. I can have Max... No, there's no time..." Kara says."Kara, listen to me." Alex says.

" I was sent to protect Earth and that's what I'm gonna do. I need you to promise me something. I need you to promise me that when you find Jeremiah, you'll tell him that I never stopped wearing the glasses. He needs to know that you and Eliza gave me a great life. A life I never thought I'd be able to find outside of Krypton. He needs to know that, that everything good I did, It came from you being my sister." Kara says."You taught me, Kara." Alex says."I want you to have a good life. I want you to find love and be happy. I want you to do all the things that being my sister kept you from doing." Kara said." Kara..." "Promise me." 

"Wow how many times do you plan on dying, we saw the reign and this?" Asks Caitlin. " These are one of the hard ones but I plan on dying every couple of weeks." Kara says. Joe mutters"Dear God!"

(SOBBING) "I can't." Alex says."I need you need you to promise me, Alex. There isn't much time." Kara says."I promise. (SNIFFLES)

"Good. Okay. I have to go now." Kara says." I love you, Kara." Alex says. "I love you." says Kara. "Kara? Kara?" Alex asks



Scene shows Kara taking Fort Rozz into space and fainting due to loss of oxygen. Then Alex comes in Kara's pod and rescues her.

"Thank god Alex was there there is no knowing what would have happened if she wasn't there." Barry says holding Kara's hand very tightly. Kara says" I'm okay." I say" Okay up we go!"

Words- 408

Hey Guys,

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Bye Dreamers.

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