Separation anxiety- Hizzie

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Lizzie tightens her arm around Hope's waist and nuzzles her face closer into her chest, trying to get closer to her temporarily dead girlfriend.

Her sister is sat next to her with her hand on her leg whilst she holds a gentle conversation with her own girlfriend, Penelope. Whenever she hears Lizzie let out a small whimper, she gently rubs her sisters leg until the whimpering stops.

"Joey?" Lizzie's voice wavers from not speaking in almost 24 hours.

"Yeah, Princess?" Josie asks softly and directs her attention to her grieving sister.

"W-What if she doesn't wake up?" Lizzie asks in fear.

"She will, Liz, you just have to give her time. She'll be back. She's Hope Mikaelson, she's the strongest person I know. Besides, she wouldn't dare leave you behind." Josie reassures.

Lizzie sniffs and a few tears wet Hope's shirt as she nuzzles her face to her chest. She presses a kiss to Hope's cheek before excusing herself to go to the bathroom.

"Joey?" Penelope asks with an confused frown.

Josie smiles. "When we were kids, Lizzie couldn't pronounce 'Josie', so she used call me 'Joey'. It's stuck after all these years." She explains.

"That's so cute." Penelope coos.

Josie sighs and looks down at Hope, not being able to imagine the pain get sister is in right now. Penelope frowns softly and grabs Josie's hand.

"She's going to be okay, baby." Penelope tells her.

"I know, I just...don't ever leave me, ok?" Josie asks seriously.

"You can't get rid of me, Jojo-"

"I'm being serious, Pen. I don't think I would survive without you." Josie's lip trembles at the thought.

Penelope frowns and cups Josie's cheeks. "I will never leave you, Josie. I'm yours, forever. Always and in all ways."

Josie swallows thickly and kisses her lovingly, resting her forehead against Penelope's.

"I love you, Jojo." Penelope whispers.

"I love you too, Babygirl." Josie replies, softly smirking at the blush she gets in return. She knows that name is Penelope's weakness.

They pull away from each other when the bathroom door opens and Lizzie walks back over to the bed, climbing back into Hope's arms after kissing her cheek.

"You doing okay, Liz?" Penelope asks. The blonde shrugs. "Can I get you anything?"

"A knife." Lizzie mumbles.

Josie and Penelope frown.

"A knife?" Penelope asks slowly which makes Lizzie nod. "O-Ok."

She kisses Josie's cheek before leaving to get what Lizzie requested.

"Why do you want a knife, Lizzie bear?" Josie asks.

"For when she wakes up, so I can feed her." Lizzie replies.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Josie asks concernedly, knowing of the Mikaelson's history of blood lust.

"Yes." Is all Lizzie says. She has 100 percent faith and trust in Hope.

Nothing changes for the next half an hour, Josie and Penelope continue to talk whilst Lizzie lays wordlessly against Hope's body, praying for her to wake up.

It's only when Lizzie feels arms weakly wrap around her body that she can breathe again.

"Oh god, I was so scared you wouldn't wake up." Lizzie breaths heavily, fear lacing her words.

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