A Pretty boy who can't tell if he's in love

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A/N: pt2 because I can, I'm bored so yes I'm doing this now.

  I sigh and rub my eyes, being a prince is hard, yes it was seemingly obvious the second I agreed to start working for my father but I did not expect it to be this problematic. All I've done today was look at the big potato shortages in the north and eggplant increase in the south. I stand up and stretch.

"Hey, Casseri I'm going out for a walk!" I call out. Casseri is my one and the only servant whom I can trust with my life, he's been by my side since I was a toddler and has made sure I grow up responsible and prince-like. 

Casseri appears in the doorway, "Of course sir, how long will you be gone?"

"ill be back before dinner, be sure to tell my fathers that, I will just be heading to the shore for a bit," I say yawning and putting on my travelling boots.

"Alright just don't get lost like yesterday," Casseri says chuckling. I flip him off and walk out of my study. The shore is a very popular area but during the evening it usually empty so no one will be around. Just what I need anyway, peace and quiet.

  I sigh and walk along the shore, kicking the sand about and breathing in the crisp ocean air. A small breeze was present ever so blowing through my hair. I shut my eyes and yawn, stretching my arms out like a cat. When I open my eyes I spot something in the water, it was a mermaid! By far the most pretty one I've ever seen as well, silver-green eyes, fluffy periwinkle hair and the most pretty tail, coloured with gold, white and black. He disappears before my eyes, not a split second wasted. I'm dazed beyond words, I stand there and rethink my life, who was that pretty mermaid?

That night at dinner, I kept to myself, it nothing unusual but it seems my fathers have noticed,

"Felrin my son, what is on your mind today?" My father asks.

"Eric doesn't ask such questions he looks like you when you first spotted me," says my other father. I choke on the piece of chicken I was eating.

"No father I have just been thinking about the potato shortages," I state, clearing my throat, "and please stop flirting every chance you get, it's embarrassing." They chuckle and I go back to eating. I hear a small laugh from the opposite side of the table.

"Oh no, what do you want Aleza, why can't you just leave your poor brother alone for a bit," I sigh.

"Sorry but no can do, what was the person like Rinrin?" She asks me, with a taunting tone. 

"there was no boy," I mutter, my anger bubbling ever so slightly, "And please stop calling me Rinrin, it's not funny!"

"Alright whatever you say Rinrin," she says with a smirk, "also you just admitted it was a boy!"

 I glare at her and continue eating, when the meal is done I excuse myself and throw a fork at my sister. Her swears and my fathers telling her not to use such obscene language slowly dies down as I huff and walk back to my study, why was everyone teasing me today, first Casseri, my fathers and now my dear monster of a sister!

When I sat down on my chair Casseri arrives on cue.

"Soooo, I heard our dear prince has been thinking about a boy?" He asks me, "sooo who is the lucky person~"

"For fucks sake Casseri where did you even hear that from," 

"Oh well, none other than your dearest sister but don't worry, the second you arrived back I noticed," He says with a chuckle. 

  I tell him to shut up and hid my face. I dismiss Casseri but he still decides to tease me before he leaves. I lay back in my throne-like chair and stare at the ceiling above. I let my mind wonder first thinking about the potatoes and eggplants, then it slowly drifts to a very curious pair of silver-green eyes. I jolt up and slam my head on my desk, was I going crazy? A boy shouldn't be able to make me feel like this, never in my life have I felt this way. I rub my forehead, I have a feeling I know what it is but I just can't put my finger on it, was this a simple, innocent thought or is it something more?

A/n: dam I made it this far, holy shit goddam. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, or not, it's up to you.

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