The Encounter of the romantically blind

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A/n: Ye it's my first time so please don't mind if the romance is super shitty, also I'm doing this for recreational purposes also to improve my writing so please leave advice If you want!

  I sigh, it's been a fairly boring day. All I've done is lay around the ocean chasing fish because it's basically the only exciting thing at this point. I know I'm supposed to meet Uriclan at her castle later but I just don't feel like going anymore. I get up from the rock I've been resting on and decide after a while to go to the shore for a bit and then head to Uriclan. 

  I quickly swim to shore hoping for a quiet and empty beach so I can stick my head out without the humans ogling at my every move, you'd think after the discovery of my species 100 years before they would have finally gotten used to it. I pick up the pace, if I don't hurry ill probably be late to Uriclan and then get scolded for it.

  When it arrived it was as I had hoped, as an empty quiet shore with no person in sight. I decide to peak out and swim a little closer to the shore, it turns out I wasn't alone. There was a human boy at the edge and he swivelled toward me and stared in awe. He has a pretty set of aquamarine eyes, raven black hair and the most beautiful and translucent skin I have ever seen. At that moment it was no thoughts, head empty. Before he could call out to me I quickly swam away back into the depths of the ocean.

  When I opened the door to Uriclan's castle she can sense something is wrong, we had been friends since we were children and she knew me fairly well.

"Hey, Eren you alright? You seem a bit tense," She says, rushing over to check up on me. I brush her off and face plant on one of the soft plushy couches she has.  I sight into the pillow and lay there. Uriclan comes over to see if I'm still breathing. I wave up my hand,

"I'm alright I just saw this really pretty boy-"

"Omg, a pretty boy? Eren do you have a crush, love at first sight?" She keeps asking me questions about him but I can't answer them. Head empty no thoughts. All that goes through my head is how pretty that boy was. He was so pretty, he looked like an angel that fell from the heavens. I wonder what he's like, is he nice? Does he like reading? Will he take me on a coffee date on land? 

"Eren, hey Eren, Your face looks weird and stop drooling," Uriclan says, snapping in front of my eyes. I jolt up.

"I'm what- I'm drooling?" 

"No idiot you aren't drooling, can you please concentrate on me for a second and not think about the pretty human boy you just encountered?" She asks. I nod and sigh. I'm trying to listen but all I can think about is the boy. I'm so pathetic like this but the boy. Oh how beautiful he is, I wish for him to lay in my arms. 

"Alright, you know what, Eren go take a rest first and then we can talk about this because clearly, you need to think about something else, a certain boy who has taken your little heart," She says smirking. I glare at her but don't object and I leave for my room that she has for me.

That night as Iay there staring at the ceiling all I can do is think about the boy, Is this what having a crush feels like? I let my mind wander about the different scenarios I can come up with about dates and his personality. Slowly sleep creeps up on me and I surrender to it, falling into a deep but wonderful sleep, with dreams filled with the one and only boy from the beach who fell from the heavens.

A/N: It's kinda short but that's the first chapter I guess. 

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