Chapter 13

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Leon was worried for his wife as they headed into the sewer to where the train car had been years ago. The tunnels where still lit, likely due to Wesker's meddling, but they couldn't be sure if the facility itself was still in moderate shape. From the way the other one had been it was probably still up and running aside from the parts that had been destroyed and more than likely had been added to. He glanced at Scarlett as they made it down into the room where they'd had to try and save Ada.

   "I remember saving your ass down there Ada." Scarlett teased softly looking back at the woman who rolled her eyes.

  "Yeah, yeah. I have a scar on my leg from that day, sucks when you wear shorts or anything that reveals my legs." Ada muttered making Scarlett smile and touch the scar on her face. She moved toward the door leading to the train car while the others inspected the inside of the room, she and Leon knew there wasn't anything of use in here, and pulled the bracelet Annette had once given her. It still flowed a soft purple after all these years and she hoped it still opened the doors they needed opened.

   "How long were you all down here?" Chris asked and Claire, Sherry and Leon shrugged while Ada ignored the question and Scarlett seemed lost in thought. Leon noticed that she was frowning as they walked the railway, there was no longer a train car to take them to the facility entrance, and slid his hand against her shoulders.

   "Are you alright?" He asked softly, trying to keep the others from becoming concerned as well, and her daze seemed to vanish as she looked up at him.

   "I'm fine, I just... there's something off about this." She muttered the last part in thought once again and Leon gave her a funny look. This whole situation was off so he wasn't quite sure what exactly she meant.

   "None of this makes much sense. I have a feeling..." Scarlett's voice trailed off making him sigh but he wasn't going to rush her.

  "I think he's leading us on a chase, more specifically I think he's leading me toward answers and him but I don't get why." She finished finally before sighing and shaking her head as she ran her hands through her hair in frustration.

  "I know that sounds weird, like why would he be leading us to himself after all these years but that's how I feel." She said exasperated catching Chris's attention.

   "You've been right every time you have a feeling. I know  I refused to believe you for so long but I do now and if that's how you feel and that's what you're thinking than I back you fully. I know everyone else here feels the same or none of us would be here right now." Chris said looking back at the couple and Scarlett chewed her bottom lip but nodded to him in thanks.

  "Don't stress yourself out sweetheart, we'll figure out what's going on and deal with it. Together." Leon said making her smile a little but it vanished when she saw the large door and the train car up ahead. It had been knocked off the track and was now laying on its side. There were chunks of concrete that had fallen from the ceiling on top of it as well as blocking part of the entrance door to the facility.

   "It's gonna be a tight squeeze for some of us." Scarlett joked looking at Chris who flipped her off making her and the others laugh. She slipped through the thing crack between the concrete and wall of the entrance and waited on the other side for everyone else to come through.

   "You think Chris or Jake will get stuck?" Scarlett asked Jill and Sherry while Leon and Ada had taken Helena and Piers to check the few rooms in the reception area. Claire shook her head while Carlos and Rebecca were talking softly about medicines one of them was carrying.

  "Probably but well yank them through and hopefully that exit you used is still open." Jill said as Sherry and Scarlett laughed a little with her. They turned to look at Chris who was coming through and tried not to laugh at his struggling but he eventually made it through and they watched as Jake came through with a little less trouble since he also pushed against the concrete and was a little slimmer than Chris.

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