Chapter 12

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   "How much you want to bet that those two are making out in that office?" Carlos said as he and Jill walked back down to the second floor after finding nothing of use in the room above. No one had really expected them to but it was still worth a shot to check out.

"Don't be gross... but I don't doubt that either." Jill said with a short laugh as they walked and caught sight of Jake and Sherry coming up from the first floor.

"Find anything?" Jill asked the pair but they both just said no, although Sherry looked a bit paler than she had earlier meaning they had probably run into so trouble. Neither of them said anything so the four just decided to head toward the S.T.A.R.S room to meet up with Leon and Scarlett. It didn't take them long to come across the freshly dead licker or to see the skeleton of the one from years ago. When Carlos opened the office door her came face to face with the barrel of a gun before Leon realized who it was and lowered the weapon.

"Sorry, Can't be too careful especially with her like this." Leon apologized and they saw what he meant. Scarlett was sitting at Jill's old desk, hunched over with her forearms resting against the dusty wood, with her eyes wide open and moving rapidly around like she was seeing something that wasn't there.

"How long has she been like this?" Sherry asked while Jake went to try and snap her out of it but Leon stopped him before he could touch her.

"Don't, if you force her out of it she'll freak out. Touching her is also not a good idea, I tried to ease her but when I touched her she used her power subconsciously to make me move away. Once I was far enough it faded away but it could have been worse. This one started when we came in like last time but she was able to make it to that desk before she was completely out of it." Leon explained, she had only reacted like that one other time and he hadn't been there for it but she had told him she nearly killed Piers when he tried to touch her, Jake raised a brow but stepped back away from her.

"How long do you think she'll be like this?" Jill asked worried for her friend and she could see that they all held the same concerned look.

"I don't know, sometimes they last seconds but the longest has been an hour. I didn't radio anyone because I didn't want you all to rush here." Leon said and they all breathed deeply and looked at Scarlett who had began to mutter something but they were unable to make it out.

Her head was foggy but she could make out the blond man kneeling in front of her and she could vaguely make out that he was talking. The roaring in her ears had began to die down and she stood slowly, the all-white room had been her home since she woke up and she didn't know how much time had passed.

"Project Goddess, can you hear me?" The man asked, his disheveled appearance bothered her, his white lab coat was wrinkled and his blue eyes had dark circles beneath them. Her silver eyes looked him over, picking out the pen in his coat pocket as the only weaponizable thing on him or within the room. She tilted her head and her brows scrunched in confusion which in turn confused the man before her as he stood.

"Project Goddess, do you know who I am?" He asked and she simply looked at him. How was she supposed to know who this man was when she couldn't even remember who she was. She didn't know how long she had been kept in that room but it had been a while by the looks of the claw marks on the lower parts of the walls tallied out like days. She also felt that this man was someone she should hate, she wasn't sure why or why what he was calling her bothered her so badly, and she made her choice. She plucked the pen from his pocket and stabbed him in the arm, not a fatal wound but one bad enough that he would be distracted, before slamming her balled up fist into the side of his head. He hit the floor with a thud, unconscious, and she swiped the keycard from his pants pocket and used it to open the door.

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