Slowly, Nigel stepped to peek in the hole that was now on the wall, but Harry moved him away, and peeked himself, and what we saw, was no good due to the way he ranned quickly away from the hole, bringing Nigel with him, and suddenly, a big explosion occurred, and all the stone wall fell down.

We all gasped at the sudden action, and some fell in the ground while running away from the explosion.

After all tbe dust from the explosion had settled down, we could see who was standing from the other side of the wall.

Umbridge, and the Inquisitorial Squad.

Suddenly Draco appeared besides them, dragging Cho Chang with him, his wand pointed at her, he lurked in the room, and smirked, at least until his gaze stopped at me.

His lips parted away, and I could see the disappointment, the feeling of who just got betrayed, I felt the worst person in this world when saw his reaction, his eyes pleading for this to not be truth, and I just sent him a apologetic look, but no matter how hard I hoped for him not to be mad, I could see his cold mask building up all over again in his face, the same mask I didn't land my eyes in, since months, and I was not glad to see it again.

I had lied to the devil, and now the hell had fall on me, and burned me to ashes as a punishment.

"Get them!" Umbridge shouted, and the Inquisitorial Squad, except Draco who was grabbing Cho Chang by her robes, and started dragging us towards Umbridge's office.

Some random student grabbed me, and when we passed throught Draco, he stared at me, but his eyes didn't showed disappointment, they showed pure rage and coldness, while mine only showed regret.

They put us in Umbridge's office, and when the Ministry of Magic arrived, they took Harry and Cho, right straight to Dumbledore's office, while we stayed locked in Umbridge's office, under the constant surveillance of the Inquisitorial Squad, but, Draco wasn't there, and perhaps it was better this way, I could not look him in the eye, after I lied shamelessly to his face.

After what seemed like an hour, Umbridge stepped in her office, and Draco was besides her.

"Miss Blackwell." She called firmly, and I turned my gaze at her, fearing of what she wanted from me, perhaps my punishment would be way more severe than the other, or, or- "You may go..." Her firm voice imediatly cut off my thoughts, and I furrowed my eyebrowns in confusion. "The rest of you, will suffer the hard consequences of your illicit actions, and such detention will be supervised by me, tomorrow, in the Great Hall." She said firmly, and made a devilish giggle to all of us.

I left her office before anyone else, as soon as I saw Draco leaving, I tried to run after him, but his legs were to long, which made him way more faster than me.

I realized that, perhaps, this wasn't the best opportunity to talk to him, to explain things to him, I would have to wait until night, where he would be watching the stars, which means he would be calmer than he was now, now he needed to be alone with his thoughts.


The news seemed to be traveling fast, all the school already knew what happened, and even more than me, when I heard about Dumbledore running away when the minister tried to take him to Azkaban, I got almost speechless for hearing such thing, never have I heard about Dumbledore running away before.

As soon as I reached my dorm, Charlotte was there, and for the way her arms were crossed in front of her chest, I could tell she was everything but happy with this situation.

I closed the door, and turned to face her, waiting for some sermon from her part.

"Come on, scream at me." I said carelessly, already hating this odd silence between us.

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