The Guy Next Door

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I spent the rest of the time unpacking boxes and putting everything in the correct place. I wanted to have my place finished when I go out tonight. After three hours, I realized I left a box downstairs in my car. I went downstairs to my car and got the big box out of my car. I didn't realize how heavy the box was until I was struggling holding it up in the elevator.

???: Need some help.

Tiana: Umm I think I can manage but thank you though.

???: (chuckles) I don't mind. I can't stand to see a beautiful lady as yourself struggle with such a heavy load.

Tiana: (smiles) Well since you put it that way. I could really use the help.

They guy took the heavy box from me. He flashed me a smile and I couldn't help but stare at him for a minute. Too bad I don't look super attractive right now. I just got on a Victoria secret jogger set and my hair clipped up with no make up. And he looks so good and here I am looking a mess. The elevator dinged signaling that we were on my floor.

Tiana: (opening door) Thank you so much.

???: (Walking in) No problem. Where do you want this?

Tiana: (pointing) Right there. (Guy sets the box down)

???: You must be new here?

Tiana: Yeah I just moved here. Do you stay around here?

???: Yeah I do.

Tiana: Good then you can probably tell me about my neighbor who lives on this floor. Are they cool?

???: He's aight. Pretty much of a party animal. Keep up lots of noise and is a player. Having different chicks come in and out of his place at all times of the day or night.

Tiana: See that's what I don't have time for. I can't stand people like that. Like respect your neighbors.

???: I know right.

Tiana: Do you know his name? I'm have to talk to him cause I'm not dealing with that.

Hakeem: Lucky for you're talking to him. I'm Hakeem, your neighbor.

He flashed his pearly whites at me and I started to melt. He held out his hand to me and I took it and shook his hand.

Hakeem: So you're not going to tell me who you are?

Tiana: Tiana.

Hakeem: Does Tiana have a last name?

Tiana: Brown. And what about you Hakeem....

Hakeem: Lyon.

Tiana: Well Mr.Lyon do you mind keeping the noise down? I'm new here but I think you should respect your neighbors.

Hakeem: (chuckles) Its just a little joke. I rarely have parties and different women in my place. Especially since I have (gcto)

Bella: Daddyy!!! (Hugging his leg)

Hakeem: I was gonna say a daughter. (Hugs Bella back) What's up baby girl. Were you good for Maria?

Bella: Yeah we went to the park, got ice cream, and the park again.

Hakeem: That's good baby girl. Say hello to Ms. Tiana. She's our new neighbor.

Bella: Hi I'm Bella.

Tiana: (smiles) Hi Bella. You're a beautiful little girl.

Bella: Thank you. You're very pretty. Isn't she daddy? (Hakeem just smiles) Maybe she can be my new mommy.

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