if ( y/n) turn into a boy part 2

Start from the beginning

[at the cake shop]

When I arrived at my parents' cake shop, I immediately entered and could see my aunt serving someone who I thought was familiar.

then my aunt saw and immediately widened her eyes "oh my gosh (y / n) !?" said my aunt surprised

"Stop first aunt ... if you think I hurt this child aunt is very wrong !! I helped this child who was being bullied in the garden then I helped him and brought him here to treat his wounds." I said.

My aunt was silent and then I brought this child into the rest room and then I put her on the sofa.

Then I took the first aid kit and read it to the injured child and treated his wounds.

after that I I take food and drinks if he later thirsty or hungry, then I put food and drinks on the table.

while waiting for him to wake up I then came out of the break room to the table where I rested.

Then I looked at the familiar figure of the corner table but I didn't care about it now, I then remembered about the park race just now.

"do I have to come?" I said.

"follow what?" asked someone behind me.

I then shouted in surprise and then I looked at my back to see the child who was being bullied in the garden.

"oh you ... don't surprise me !!" I said irritably.

"sorry !! by the way ... you are the one who saved me huh?" he asked.

I just nodded and then I saw him sitting in front of me "thank you very much for helping me in the garden." he said with a smile.

"No problem ... but why are you being bullied by them?" I asked.

"About that ... because he always bothered me every time I was in the park until I finally got fed up with their behavior and accidentally hit one of them in the face." he replied sadly.

"They deserve a beating in the face." I said.

" What is your name?" I asked.

"my name is kylie !! sorry did not introduce myself from the beginning." Kylie replied, smiling awkwardly.

I nodded and then we both talked until it got into the night.

"Kylie you don't come home?" I asked.

then he became gloomy "I can not go home to my house ... because my stepmother forbade me to go home just because accidentally destroyed his valuables." Kylie replied sadly again.

"But actually it's not my fault but the fault of his own son." said Kylie.

"Why does the story sound familiar?" I thought.

"Where is your father?" I said.

"My father is working overseas for our family." jawan kylie.

"what does your father do?" I asked curiously.

"My father works as a businessman so it will take him too long to come home." answered Kylie.

"Woah ~ your dad is awesome Kylie." my praise.

"Of course !! But I really miss my father now and I have no place to sleep." said Kylie.

"You are allowed to stay here temporarily with my aunt." I said.

" Is it true!!." said Kylie happily.

"I have to ask my aunt first." I said.

"No need ... Auntie already knows and Kylie can certainly stay here for a while." said my aunt from beside me

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