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"And there he is, the one and only George, I found him!" Nick exclaims as he walks towards George. George was frantically looking around trying to find Nick. He looks around and spots him walking towards his way, holding a camera pointed at him. George runs towards Nick and gives him a power hug that was so sudden and tight that Nick almost dropped his camera.

"Hey guys," George waves on the camera that was pointed at him, taking Nick's suitcase and drags it away. Nick follows him as he talked to the camera. When they arrive in the parking lot, George clicks his keys to unlock the car as they were near to its direction.

"So how was the flight, Sap?" George asks,  opening the door and throws the luggage on the back seat. "It was cool, I wasn't bothered much. And I'm just tired right now." Sapnap yawns as soon as he sits down beside the driver's seat.

The drive back to George's apartment was a bit noisy, with the music on, they sang along while screaming the lyrics. Occasionally, Nick would crack jokes just for the sake of content. George would force himself to laugh, and with those fake laughs Nick would wheeze. Eventually, they arrive in the apartment. George leads Nick in front of the door, George reaches for his wallet to get the key card to unlock the door. While Nick was filming in the balcony in front of George's door, the door next to his opened, revealing a tall man dressed in gray sweatpants and a plain green shirt. He spots George and instantly smiles, walking up to him and calling him.

"Hey George," Clay smiles,  catching the attention of both George and Nick. George whispers a small "Hey," before opening the door. Nick walks up to George, taking the luggage from his hand and goes inside, leaving George and Clay standing at the door.

"Who is he," Clay asks in a non-offensive tone. George looks up to him, "He's my friend from Texas and we make videos together," He pauses, "I gotta go inside now and keep him company. Is there anything else you need?"

Clays eyebrows knit together for a moment, but he ignores it. "Oh, I--uh, Do you guys wanna drink tonight? To--you know, celebrate his arrival?" Clay suggests, and George nods. "I'll ask him. He's probably tired from the jet lag and all, but he never turns down a drink. I'll call you if we'll go. See you later, Clay." George smiles before going inside and shuts the door. He presses his back against the door, he just realized that his heart was beating so fast, and he was keeping his breath in. He hears Nick shuffle around the room and just drops his thoughts.

"He seems pretty cool, George," Nick smirks at George. They are now on the living room,  waiting for a certain dirty blonde haired man to arrive with their drinks. George had told Nick all about his neighbor that had moved just a week ago, and his first encounter with Clay. Nick noticed how George would blush and stutter whenever he mentioned his name, or how he described their conversations. Nick knew that George had a thing for Clay. George blushes at Nick's statement.

"He is, isn't he?" George was staring at the floor, cheeks red. He realizes what he said and quickly thinks of something to say, "I--I mean, he's  a cool person to hang out and be friends with," He stutters in the process. Nick laughs at how he was tripping over his words. He pulls his bag from the floor, "Remember when I said I'd give you something, George?" He zips the bag open. George raises an eyebrow in confusion as he slowly nods. Nick takes a paperbag and rips it open, revealing a few bags of what seems to be like white powder in a very small bag, along with some pills and green powder which was also in small bags.

George's eyes widen in shock. Nick laughs at his reaction, seeing how George was all panicking made him wheeze. "Are t-those real?!" George exclaims, and Nick laughs while nodding. "How did you get those?!!"

Nick calms down, occasionally taking deep breaths to catch up with his breathing. "Of course I couldn't sneak them in the airport. I went outside remember? I bought these from someone here. I'll give you his contact information when I leave so if you actually want more, get them yourself." Nick explains while putting the packets back into the ripped paper bag. "What if Clay sees this?!"

Just then, the door opens, revealing a Clay holding a few carton cases of beer. "See what?" George stands up and runs after Nick who ran towards Clay to show the contents of the bag. George was way to slow, Clay had already looked down to see the contents of the paper bag. He smirks at George, and Nick does the same, knowing that Clay was in on the idea of using them that night.

The room was filled with smoke. The two, Nick and Clay were so high. George was just in on it for the alcohol, and he was already drunk. Nick was dancing around the room with his shirt off, and George was nearly passed out on the couch. Clay was sitting on the floor, head resting against the couch where George was laying. He looks at George who was holding an empty bottle of beer, murmuring words that no one could ever understand. Clay stands up to hand Nick a bottle of beer, and upon touching the glass, Nick chugs the whole thing down like a champion. When he sets the bottle down, he falls on his knees and onto the floor, passing out.

Clay walks up to George, taking a pill from the table and popping it into his mouth. He pulls George up and makes him sit on his lap. George was giggling as he sits on Clay's groin, grinding his plump ass on the hardening length under him. George wraps his arms around Clay's neck and slams their lips together. Clay pushes the pill to George's mouth and bites George's lip, making him accidentally swallow the pill with no water.

Reality slaps him like a brick in the face. As if suddenly he wasn't drunk from all of the drinks. He pushes himself away from Clay. Clay was smirking, as he pushes George down on his lap, grinding their hips together. George shouts, "What did you give me?!"

Clay leans in to whisper in his ear, "Ecstasy, baby." He pushes George away from his lap and walks towards Nick who was passed out on the floor. He carries the man into the spare room that George had prepared for him. While George was sitting on the sofa, he contemplates his life decisions as Clay was cleaning up the mess they made.

As moments pass by George feels hotter as if the temperature just sky rocketed, when in reality, he was shivering from the cold. He felt his sweatpants tighten, and he was sweating bullets. Clay carries him and turns off the lights of the living room, carrying George and plopping him on the bed. He turns off the lights  of his room and leaves without sparing a glance at George.

George passes out for a moment. He woke up to see that he was fully clothed, but he was still hard. He felt like he needed to release or else he will die. He palms the erection through the soft material of his sweatpants. He stands up and rushes to the bathroom and runs the faucet open to fill the tub. He removes every piece of clothing. He sits down on the tub while the water was running and immediately touches his weeping cock. He moans at the touch. Just a few pumps and he immediately cums, unintentionally moaning someone's name.

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