One shot 4: A fake princess

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A/N Thank you all so much for 1k views! I would really appreciate it if you guys can please give me a few requests Also I don't write Brucinette but I write Marijon. Thanks!

Ships & Salt: Lila salt,  MPS redemption Adrienette

Summary: Lie-la has returned and this type instead of lying about knowing royals/celebs she lies about being one! Specifically the princess of China, what she didnt know is that the princess of China comes to her school and is in her class...

Alya POV:

I heard from Rose that Lila is coming tomorrow I decided to tell my bestie Marinette, I know she hates Lila but I never know why. "Hey gurl guess what?" I asked "Oh hi Alya and guess about what?" "Lila is coming tomorrow!" i exlaim "Oh umm okay I guess even tho i dont like her" she is acting weird but I brush it off Mrs. Bustier comes in after and starts teaching. 

Marinette POV: 

I was walking with Chloe to school and then when we entered I went inside alone I know you might be wondering why Chloe doesnt she bully me? Well no she doesnt she instead acts like that so no one knows who we are related to each other who are we? I am the princess of China and she is my cousin the princess of England cool right! we have other cousins specifically Alix, Juleka Luka Kagami and Nino. We aren't all related though, Luka and Juleka are related to both me and Chloe, Kagami is related to me but not Chloe or Luka Juleka or Alix, Nino is also only related to me and Alix is related to me and Nino. We are all royals, Nino prince of Spain, Juleka and Luka of Russia, Alix of Brazil, Kagami of Japan. I went i  and then met Alya and she told me that Liar is returning well i hate her and all but I somehow have this feeling that she is going to expose herself! I pretended to be happy and then went to my seat I could see she was confused. 

No one POV: 

The next day when Lila came to class she said she was in China because she was the princess there. Of course the idiots believed and Adrien then realized that his high road wouldnt work why? Well it was illegal to pretend to be a royal and he knew she was lying. 

Adrien POV:

I decided to apologize to Marinette for telling her to take the high road and when I did she was with Nino Juleka Alix Kagami Luka and CHLOE?! "Bahahahah Mari she stole your friends that's what's she said?" Chloe said "Yup she was like 'I told you I will take your friends' seriously though Marcus is coming tomorrow and he will prove her wrong" Marinette answered but who is Marcus? I hope he wouldn't take MY PRINCESS away. (I swear he says that in lots of fan fics but then he is like 'she is just a friend' he is too blonde) "Marcus is coming? Great we wouldn't be the only boys here!" Nino and Luka exclaimed "You do know Ken is also coming?" Kagami told him "GREAT 2 BOYSS!" "Uhh guys" Chloe says pointing at me "Adrien you were not eavesdropping were you?" Mari asks "Ummm" should i tell them? "How much of our conversation did you hear?" Alix asks "Uhhh" "Adrien Agreste answer us right now I am NOT in a good mood" Juleka says yelling the 'NOT' "Jules calm down then mabye he would answer" her brother calms her down I NEED TO KNOW WHATS GOING ON? "Dude just answer please" Nino asks again "Okay I heard when Chloe first talked" "Chloe talked alot so when?" Luka says "EXCUSE ME I DIDNT RIDICULOUS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!" "Sorry Chlo" Luka said I then told them and Marinette turned completely red "I knew we shouldn't have talked here!" "Then where should we next time?" Nino says "We will think about that later" she answers then Juleka's eyes widen and she points her finger at Alya who was also  hiding "Seriously why is everyone eavesdropping today!" Alix says clearly mad "You can come out Alya we all saw you" My princess exclaims and Alya comes out

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