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"Thanks for the cuppa tea mum, I think I'm gonna take a bath now

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"Thanks for the cuppa tea mum, I think I'm gonna take a bath now." She nods and leaves me alone in my room to scramble over my lost memories. I run a hand through my already messy blonde hair and sigh, honestly how can I not remember a damned thing. Though it wasn't the biggest ordeal I've been through, it's really scary to be caught like that and almost taken to a Neverseen base.

I make a move to my closet to pull out some fresh clothes when I find a note pinned to a tunic. It's an odd single paper note, I unpin it, open it, and read the contents. What's inside makes me even more confused than I was before.

To Sophie Foster,

I'm guessing that you probably won't remember what happened—and you shouldn't or the plan was a fail. But you made a promise to a close companion of mine and it would mean a great deal to him if you met him tonight at 11:30 sharp at your old dance school in England. Hope to see you soon.

-R. Max

R. Max? Who is that? They seem to know me, but I have no clue who they are. And it's only ten A.M. I have more than twelve hours till I have to meet these people, because I never break a promise. Deciding that I should take a bath I do so quickly and ring my friends up.

Black Swan Kids GC:

Lovely Lady Foster: heyyyyy. Lovely day innit, y'all wanna do smtg today??

Princess Pretty Pants: hells yes girl, I was wondering when u were going to text us. My favorite store, Magenta's Magik is having a sale rn and I rly want to go


Fire Girl: I'll go. I have nthn to do today. As long as Stina doesn't come

Curly Haired Monster: u do know I'm on this chat right?!

Fire Girl: sry guys Dex stole my phone

Gadget Kid: MAREEE!! I do not have ur phone, I'm nowhere near u

Wonderboy: ahaha busted

Fire Girl left this chat

Shady Boy added Fire Girl back to chat

Shady Boy: oh ho not so fast

Wylie Endal: y am I on this chat?

Seen @10:16

Lovely Lady Foster: so what time are we meeting to go to this Magenta's Magik place?

Everyone on chat: u actually want to go shopping?!?!

Lovely Lady Foster: I mean I've got nth to do soooo y not.

Shady Boy: nooo, she's lost it. I'm the only sane person in this group now

Wylie Endal: what about me? I'm sane.

Seen @10:20

Shady Boy: u like my sister, so I don't like you.

Wylie Endal: 😑😑😑

Lovely Lady Foster: well I need a time and guys, if I have to do this, I'm going to drag ur arses with me

Wylie Endal: but I have other things to do...

Lovely Lady Foster changed Wylie Endal to Lord I'm too Busy for u Ppl

Lovely Lady Foster: I still need a time and Wylie, I will drag u

Lord I'm too Busy for u Ppl: fine, what time.

Lovely Lady Foster changed Lord I'm too Busy for u Ppl to Flashy Flasher

Flashy Flasher: I liked the old name better.

Princess Pretty Pants: oki we'll meet @11 at Mysterium

Everyone on chat: kk

Flashy Flasher: so can I change my name?

Flashy Flasher: guys??

Seen @10:35

Laughing at my phone I set it down and get ready for probably a day's work of shopping. I picked out a simple navy blue dress that'll be easy to shift out of when trying on dresses. I smooth out my hair, then decide that curling my eyelashes and putting mascara on won't be that bad.

When I'm done and put on black sandals then head downstairs. As I get down I hear my friends' voices and my parents' shocked ones, disbelief of me going shopping clear in their voices. "Is it that shocking that I'm so bloody bored that I want to go shopping?" They didn't see me enter so I gave them a bit of a jump scare.

"Ready to—," I break off when I see Biana's face. "Is that what you're wearing? I mean it's cute but..." I roll my eyes, "It's not supposed to be 'cute' it's practical Bi, if we are going to try on clothes, I suggest we wear easy clothes to change in and out of." She nods, "Plus when I get home I'm not gonna bother changing out of my clothes before I start painting. That reminds me, remind me to buy art supplies, I'm running low on paints."


Looking around the store, I stop and stand still amazed. Magenta's Magik is nothing like any of the dress stores I've been to before. I still don't want to buy anything though so I stay outside with the boys and play clapping games. In England all we did was play clapping games, though I didn't have anyone to play with.

Soon a girl bumps into me, hispanic and she's a few inches taller than me—likely 5'7"—with air force blue eyes, long hazel brown hair, long eyelashes, and an hourglass figure. She's downright gorgeous. I can't help but gawk at her, nor can the rest of the guys. Tam just goes white—or whiter than normal, likes he's seen a ghost, but I can't put my finger on it.

"Sorry for bumping into you, Miss..." She looks me in the eye and realizes who I am with a smirk, "Sophie Foster, pleasure to meet you. I'm Glimmer Reyes, I along with my friends own a shop a little ways down, you're always welcome. My shop is called 'Raine-y Day Glimmers'. It's an art shop." This peaks my interest. "Art shop you say, well, I'm down on art supplies and planned on buying some."

I turn to my friends and then back to Glimmer, "If your shop is open now I'd like to check it out. The gods only know how much longer I'm going to have to wait for my other friends to finish dress shopping." She smiles at me and offers her arm, before I can grab it Tam takes my wrist.

"Are you sure it's wise to trust a total stranger? I mean her name is Glimmer. Isn't that a bit suspicious?" I laugh out loud, "It's fine Tam, no need to get your knickers in a bunch, I'm not that daft. I have a good judge of character and she is a good person." He groans, "You're missing the whole point Soph, I've met the Neverseen members before, that is de—,"

He gets cut off by Glimmer's sweet voice, "Like she said, no need to get your panties in a twist. If you want to come with me Sophie we must get going, I'm afraid my friends won't be too pleased if I'm late." I shoot a smile to my friends and wave goodbye, when Glimmer thinks I'm not looking she herself shoots a grin over her shoulders to Tam, but it wasn't a nice one. It was sinister.

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