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My original plan this morning wasn't to eavesdrop on the boy who broke my heart, but that's what I'm doing

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My original plan this morning wasn't to eavesdrop on the boy who broke my heart, but that's what I'm doing. At first I just came to Mysterium to buy new paints because I ran out, but this is just way too interesting. I mean...the interesting things that I could hear, maybe he even knows the things about me that I don't.

"Are you sure no one saw you, Vacker?" The figure says with a british accent, much like mine. How ironic that everyone here at this moment has a british accent. Fitz replies with a yes, I almost snort out loud, Fitz was never the brightest.

That's not what's stumping me though, despite the ogre incident that happened years ago his family is still very respected and this guy says his last name like it's trash. I can't believe Fitz didn't snap at him yet, "Well, we have been waiting. When are you going to give us Sophie Foster."

WHAT, "Um no, that was not the deal. I was supposed to give you some information about the Black Swan," That traitor, "Then you were going to leave my family alone during the attack, and my family includes Sophie Foster." I try not to scoff, he basically laid claim to me in public.

But attack? What did he mean by that? Are the Neverseen going public again, could this be their retaliation for what I did? And how does Fitz know about this? For a second I wonder if he's the mole and that's how the Neverseen always ends up on top during our interactions. I shake my head, unless Fitz and Alvar fake hating and trying to kill each other—Fitz definitely can't be the bloody mole.

"And by information, I meant the information that Sophie Foster will give us. You better have not wasted my bloody time Vacker!" Ten hells, this meeting is crashing and burning at the damn stake. As I start to leave a hand grabs the back of my neck and silently slams me into the wall. I drop the dagger—shit.

"Who are you and why are you here?!" Asks the figure in a surprisingly deep voice, the only person in this alley who is not British I assume. "I'm me and I was following the knucklehead talking to your friend." The man laughs, "You're not going to make this easy for me. Are you?" I shake my head, and smirk up at him even though he couldn't see my face.

"Well then, I guess you are going to become more re-aquainted with my friend down there." I make a confused face, "What do you mean by re-aquain--," the man shakes his head and his hood falls down. The man, no, the boy in front of me is...what can only be described as handsome. He's totally out of Fitz's league and that says something.

He's very tall--at least a head taller than me, light brown hair, big azure eyes that look a little sad, he has long eyelashes and a cut through his left eyebrow that makes him look indefinitely hotter. His tan skin a little darker than mine.

"I know who you are, and there's no escaping us this time. Sophie Foster." Well, I'm screwed. All of a sudden there is a pain in the back of my head and I realize the douche slammed my head back into the wall. Then he mutters, almost incoherently, "I'm sorry, Nyx." And I black out.


"Ezra, leave the Vacker alone, we have what we came here for. We need to leave before they wake up."

"I thought Vacker said no one followed him?"

"Well then I guess it's our lucky day."

"Who is that?"

"None of your bloody business Vacker, you're free to go now. You are no longer of service to us."

"Who is that? I'm not going to leave until you tell me."

"Well, as the british man said, you can leave now. Or you can leave in a body bag."

"That's right you coward, run back to your prestigious family! Gods, Ruy, how did Alvar manage to go so long without trying to kill him. I was only with him for about eight minutes, and I was going bonkers. I wanted to spike his bloody head against a wall. I'd rather go on another mission with you—that's saying something."

"No idea, but we should leave before he comes back and with more people."

"Is it really her, Ruy, like actually?"

"It is her, but something is wrong with her memories, I believe. She couldn't remember me—us."

"What if she sees me? I am her family after all."

"We're all her family."

"That's not what I mean and you know it. I'm the only one who shares blood with her, besides them. And Umber."

"Well, Umber's dead!"

"And who's fault is that?! Umber was off the hinges and needed to go, but she was my sister—my twin—and didn't deserve to die like that!"

"Yes she did, she's one of the main reasons this all started to happen. She's also the reason why Dizznee was able to hit me with one of his gadget things!"

"No, that was your fault, and be grateful. Though your powers are crazy, it's the strongest thing I've ever seen—besides Nyx that is."

"Oh, don't get all technopathy on me Ezra. I was in rehab for months, and I still can't control it."

"Oh boo hoo, you're cheeky today. Let me tell my uncle to pull you from the mission, surely he'd listen to me over you, you big pain in my arse."

"Why you little—,"

"Ruy, Ez, cut it out. We need to go, Vacker ran real fast and the reinforcements are already here."

"But Raineeee—,"

"Don't 'Raineeee' me, we have to go now. Glimmer and Alvar are already at the rendezvous point, if we don't leave soon our whole team is going to get caught! So keep it in your pants and hurry the fuck up."

"Yes Raine."

"Aye, mate."


I brace myself to see the faces of the people who were talking, but all I see is Iggy. Was it all a dream, I sat up quickly and immediately regretted it. "Shit, that hurt my bloody head!" I touch the back of my head and it comes away red, it wasn't a dream then. My only problem is, "Why in the ten bloody hells can I not remember what happened?"

"Sophie! You're awake!" Edaline comes running to my side of the bed, "Are you okay? You came home very late last night and you seemed tipsy, but I'm pretty sure it was because you had a big gash in your head. Do you remember what happened, sweety?"

"No mum, but I'm eighteen, you don't need to talk to me like I'm still that little fifteen year old." She gives me a sad look, "Well you'll always be the same twelve year old who came into our lives six years ago."

She hands me a cup of tea for my head, "Cheers to that, mum."

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