Chapter IX: Links

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The whole station was evacuated from the whole scene whilst Judy and Jerome were ordered to be brought in and help clear up the mess. Sodor Research also ordered a few more breakdown trains to help clear the mess as quickly as possible. Duck, alongside Gabriel (who was in the yard at the time), started shunting the trucks out of the way and placed them on the old abandoned platform at the side of the station. Meanwhile, specialists came to help clear the mess, all in protective gear and began to sweep away what had come out of the vans, and came of the cans on the platform.

Duck watched with interest as the blue gloop-like liquid was put into new cans, dark red colour for them this time. "What is that stuff," he pondered curiously.

Gabriel came rolling up next to him. "I don't know," he said, "could be something for their food?"

"No..." replied Duck plainly, "beg pardon Gabriel but if they have something like that on this sort of train, then I think the government would've shut them down by now."

Nothing more was said between the two, but Gabriel just sighed and went on his way back to the yards. Duck narrowed his eyes before following, staring at the cans and then puffing away much in thought.


Later that day, Thomas came rolling into the yards to pick up another goods train. It had been a big day and the newspaper would be having easy pickings on their dinner plate for the headlines tomorrow! Thomas puffed past the station and looked to see workmen already repairing the damaged platform in the station and replacing broken track and buffers as well. They were going to work into the night; which was understandable, Tidmouth was an important asset to the North Westen Region, and losing some platforms could cause great hassle and confusion for trains and passengers alike.

The tank engine continued his way down the line into the yards to finally see Ava resting on load loader flatbeds, conscious but looking depressed. Her front was damaged, her face looked like it had bled heavily from the crash around her left cheek and her tender and cab looked crushed from being squished. Meanwhile, the Fat Controller and a familiar doctor were talking to each other in front of her.

"I've already lost an engine from that facility," snapped the Fat Controller furiously, "and now you want one of my engines to do your work. You've got a diesel to do that!"

"I'm sorry sir," said Doctor Haywield calmly, "but we weren't expecting something like this to happen."

"Clearly," said the Fat Controller, shaking his head whilst looking up to Ava pitifully, "if you want my help I want something in return from this."

"Oh, and what's that?"


"No," replied Doctor Haywield instantly and plainly.

The Fat Controller looked back at the other man, his face becoming red with anger. "He is not your's to keep!" he boomed, "he is one of my engines and if I don't have him, you won't receive nothing from me and my region!"

Thomas watched from close by with great suspicion, trying to blend into the background so none of the men could notice him. Doctor Haywield sighed. "We'll pay for the damages," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose, "as well as the damage to the 8F."

The Fat Controller hummed with a low brow. "He isn't even mine," he said, "he is partially owned to the Midland Region, so you better be careful. I'd say repair him first, he's only got the back of his tender and his front to be straightened."

"Very well," said Doctor Haywield thoughtfully, "send him to your works, we'll pay you once he's fixed."

Nodding, the Fat Controller thought for a second. "The station will be compensated too?"

Changes in the Wind: Part I - Thomas and the Forgotten OnesWhere stories live. Discover now