Chapter VII: Gabriel

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The morning sun flooded Sodor's land the next day, Thomas arrived at Tidmouth with another train of trucks he had managed to convince the foreman for him to take to the yards so he could meet with the other engines. As he went to the coaling stage in front of the sheds, he heard a rumble of an engine, his eyes flickered up and saw emerging from inside the sheds, was a big long green diesel. Thomas instantly recognised him.

"Hello Gabriel," he called, "how are you?"

"Engine is all fixed now!" cheered Gabriel cheerfully, "but it gets even better!"

"What does?" asked Thomas.

"Since your Henry is off pulling that fish train," Gabriel explained, "I can go and pull the first passenger train of the day with permission from Sodor Research!"

"Oh... wow... that's wonderful Gabriel!" said Thomas, "hope the run goes well."

"Hope so too," smirked Gabriel with a small sigh, "a bit nervous though, haven't pulled a passenger service in a while."

"You'll do fine," Thomas said encouragingly, "give it your best, I'm sure the passengers won't mind anyway, you are our first diesel engine to pull a passenger train here after all! They'd be more infatuated by you than cross if a bump comes along the track."

Gabriel smiled. "Cheers Thomas," he said, "best be off, that Great Western engine most likely has my train at the station already."

And with a whir of his engine, the big warship rumbled off and towards the station.  Thomas watched him go, slightly looking forward to the return of Gabriel for him to tell him about the trip. A yawn from inside the shed startled the tank engine a bit as his eyes darted towards the shed, only to see a wheesh of steam and James pulling out into the sunlight, a groggy face covering him. "Morning Thomas," the red engine greeted, "what brings you here so early?"

"You and Henry actually," replied Thomas.

James looked over to Thomas, a wide smirk crossing him. "Oh really?" he chortled, "what about?"

"About your services with the Sudric Owl and the Flying Kipper."

The red engine's smirk slightly faded, then rolled his eyes. "Oh really Thomas," he said, "no, they're not the same train, mine is a--"

"No! Not that!" interrupted Thomas, "I'm talking about happenings when you're out there in the middle of the night."

James paused, then urged the tank engine to proceed with the enquiry. "Have you... I don't know... seen any engines going past you whilst on your runs?" asked Thomas.

Blinking in surprise for a moment, James then pondered the question. "...No, I don't think so," he replied, "I have never seen any engine go past me, Henry has never mentioned this either?"

"What haven't I mentioned?" came a grumble of a voice, and Henry the Green Engine followed James out of the shed and stopped slowly aside him, his face looking like the poor engine didn't get enough sleep last night for reasons Thomas knew, Henry always loved his sleep.

When the tank engine asked the same question, Henry unfortunately only gave the same answer to him. "No engine has ever gone past me when I'm out with the kipper."

Thomas huffed crossly when given this, not he was in a slight dead end, he didn't know who to ask anymore. Ava was out of the book, Duck was taking care of that and he would've given any information as soon as he can. He just had to go back to Knapford and think of another way to continue the lead.

Thanking the two big engines, Thomas puffed back to find the turntable and head back to his junction.

Later, he strode along the single line which lead engines straight to depot and sheds. And waited to enter the mainline through the chaos of points and singles in front of Tidmouth station, the signal was red and the points were set to allow another train through. The tank engine waited impatiently, then his eyes flickered to the station and were noticed that Gabriel was just about to leave with the first train of the day. The warship sat patiently, ready and waiting to leave and a few seconds later, the guard blew his whistle and with a blast of the horn, Gabriel slowly, but smoothly set off.

Changes in the Wind: Part I - Thomas and the Forgotten OnesWhere stories live. Discover now