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ー ostensibly queer

for as long as the eye can see, the future's bleak and awry
i am burning the remaining letters out of three,
the ones i never sent to you; mere drafts were they
i speed up the process as i sniff, the burning scent of my father's cigar
that reaches the room at a faster pace than him
it isn't long before he makes himself comfortable in the armchair
and i'm left to bear the supposed consequences of my actions
i get an earful; lectures i wouldn't really fancy on a quiet evening
i get called ostensibly queer, when he's being more queer than me
i wonder if a mere action of holding hands could cause this
then maybe we dare not hold hands anymore, in public
it shocks me to the core as to how i end up despising
my family even more, when i thought i couldn't quite peak this level
i pray you're not facing the same fate, and maybe if you are
then i hope, together, we get to escape this again.

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