chapter 10: can't escape the past

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Chapter 10:
Can't escape the past

Chapter 10:Can't escape the past

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“You don't remember me.” The woman said, chewing a gum and then spitting it out to the ground. “I figured that people like you don't even realize when they're stepping on someone.”

“You're the anonymous person who made that post, why? What did I do to you?”

“What did you do to me?” She asks with a chuckle, walking closer to where I'm sitting. “Why did I post that? I can't stand people like you smiling like that on TV while the people that you damaged live on with the wounds that you created.”

I want to say that I don't even remember her. If I did something that grave to her, I would remember her face. I would.

“I couldn't be with my mom's last moments because of you, because you took that money from me. That's all that was left for me at that time. You're from a rich family, so it makes my blood boil even more that you didn't hesitate to take more from someone who had nothing left.”

“I... don't know what you're talking about.”

“Of course, you don't. It didn't do any damage in your life but it did to mine.”

“I'm sorry—”

“Your sorry will do nothing now. You can't bring my mother back to life. You can't bring me back to that time that I could've at least held her hand. You can't take the pain that I've been living with away. You deserve to lose everything the way I did—”

“I didn't—”

“I would return that money to Jang Yeeun. I really was going to return what I borrowed from her but I needed them to visit my mom in the hospital by the weekend. Jang Yeeun wouldn't have lost anything that day but I was losing everything. That wasn't even your business to deal with but you stick your nose to everything, didn't you?”

Something finally clicks in my head.

Back then, Yeeun told me and Seunghee that a school mate borrowed some money from her but was acting like she didn't. Yeeun said she's been trying to reach out to her for a month by then but the school mate kept avoiding her. I was on my home when I saw them arguing just outside the school. The student was screaming her lungs out at Yeeun and she's my friend, so my instinct to come to the rescue kicked in.

I rushed towards them and pushed the student away. She was flung against the ground, holding money tightly in her hands.

“What's going on?” I asked them both.

“I really need that money. I'm not rich either! I've been skipping lunch because you're holding my lunch money.” Yeeun told her, ignoring me. “My mom works hard too! We're short with money too!” I could see that she's almost at the verge of crying.

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