chapter 4: when the world turns its back on you

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Chapter 4:
when the world turns its back on you

Chapter 4:when the world turns its back on you

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I've had a good cry last night. My swollen eyes make that obvious. Seungyeon has moved in her things in the new apartment and it's messy and there's barely any space now except for the two vacant bedrooms that have been reserved for me and Yeeun.

I haven't heard from Yeeun and she hasn't moved in. She's probably having a dilemma about being a freeloader.

And me, I haven't come back home to my family. I don't want to have to answer their questions for now.

I find Seungyeon lying down on the couch with sliced cucumbers on her eyes and a face mask. “Isn't it too early for skincare?” I ask her, rummaging the (Seungyeon's) fridge for breakfast. “Yah, I thought you were a top star. Why do you still use instant coffee?” I ask again, grabbing a pack.

“Don't talk to me.” Her voice sounds croaky.

I put water on the boiler and sit next to her, pulling her face mask off and flicking the cucumbers from her, apparently, swollen eyes too. “Yah! You look like shit.” She says once she's got a good look on my face. “Was the closure that good?”


“The kinda closure that made you cry.”

I sigh. “Yeah, what about you? Why did you cry?”

Seungyeon gives me her phone as an answer. There's an entire list of her cancelled schedules due to the controversy that she's in right now.

“This is ridiculous. What did your company say?”

“There's nothing they can do. I've already told them it's not true. They already released a statement.”


“And I told you. The people believe what they want to believe.”

I sigh, putting her phone down. “This won't do. We need to hunt down the person who made that anonymous post.”



“What if I did make someone feel that way? What if I just can't remember? You know how it is.”

“Are you insane? The anonymous writer said that you took money from her by force! We both know that makes no sense. You were already rich before you even became a celebrity. And they said you flipped a tray of food during lunch. The only time you did that was when you passed your audition to your company and you flipped my lunch tray in excitement.”

We're both quiet for a while as if letting the old memories sink in.

“Maybe you're the anonymous writer.”

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