Chapter Four: Concrete as to Frigid

Start from the beginning

"How in the hell am I going to explain you to my dads?" She flares her nostrils with frustration and takes his accusing hand in her own, pulling off the tiny ring he had jammed onto his finger before flinging it back into the drawer on the bed.

"Ever heard of introducing your guests to your family," the man continued, walking around the room in an effortless grace only werewolves possessed as he began to move trinkets of Schuyler's childhood around. "Most families do it."

Schuyler gritted teeth. "You're not my guest!" She follows him closely, watching as he picks up a picture frame-- some of them are cracked or completely shattered-- and continues, curious as if he were a cat instead of a wolf.

"You're right, I'm Giles," his smile was enough to cause the girl to throw out a hand, smacking him on the chest as he laughed at his own joke.

"I didn't realize you mastered the fine art of dad jokes," she rolled her eyes and moved to her closet. Schuyler didn't even bother to glance up at the clothes on the hangers, which were only shirts and pants she hadn't worn for months, and went for the sweatpants on the ground.

Giles watches, interest still in snooping around. "Finally putting on clothes," he grinned.

"What? Like you haven't seen sliders before?" She stretches the hem of the waistline when it reaches her stomach, snapping it back as she relishes in the comfort.

"Of course I have, I live in a college town, everyone goes around half naked everywhere," he tells her, watching as Schuyler brushes by him to grab her smartphone.

The home is beginning to fill with the scent of eggs and bacon,  synonymous with all things good, as Schuyler opens her bedroom door, shooting a glance back to find Giles standing directly behind her, obviously ready to have the full Bradshaw experience.

"Don't do anything weird," Schuyler advised with a serious tone; he shoots her an expression of  'Me? I'd never'  while she holds the door open for her friend.


The coffee cup-- luckily a cheap, completely standard mug-- shatters to the floor as Ben looks as if he is in the throws of having a mental breakdown in the middle of the kitchen. His husband instantly comes out of the connected laundry room to find the source of all the fuss before gasping.

"Young lady!" Spencer's voice becomes strictly dad; she forces herself not to groan. "Would you like to tell your father and I why a man came from your bedroom--"

"Spence! Spencer!" Ben shouted above his husband's scolding words to point a melodramatic, shivering  finger to Giles, who stood with his hands in his pockets and tightly pressed his lips together on his handsome face, as if he was attempting to keep himself from laughing. "It's... Adonis man!"

"Adoni-- ADONIS!  Way to rebound without telling us, Schuyler," her father shakes his head as he soothes his husband's shoulders, as if Ben had actually been on the brink of a panic attack. He wasn't, well, maybe the first two seconds of the conversation, but not after he clearly recognized Giles.

"The man we Facebook stalked all those months ago, " Ben whispered, as if his words were to wise for his own good. "Standing here, in our kitchen, before us, in all of his mighty glory."

"Good God, why do I even tell people I have parents," Schuyler rubbed her temples with two fingers as she tried her hardest not to explode. The two men stared at Giles as he waved politely and moved forward.

"I'm Giles," he grinned, letting his hand hover in the air before the both of them grabbed it at once. They muffled sorry, but clearly didn't mean it. "And I am not sleeping with your daughter."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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