Start from the beginning

"Wait i don't understand does this mean-"

"Yeah, I'm- I'm free i have time" A smile formed on my lips, the two of us staring into each other. "After that night at the party, i got to talking with Sparrow, i came here as soon as i could"

He bit his bottom lip, "It's done, I've been wanting to do this since i took over, it's fucking done"

Relief washed over me, feeling myself internally turn into a puddle within his arms. "I'm all yours"

"So we-"

"Yes" he breathed, his eyes yearning for me. "It'll be like it used to"

"I missed you" sniffling, I fell submissive within his arms.

"And god i fucking missed you" Without a second to spare, his soft lips landed on mine. my arms wrapped around his neck in urgency, pulling him deeper into a heated kiss. His body pushing me further into the bedroom, licking into my mouth as i moaned into him. His hands slipping under my pennywise shirt, roaming up my bare sides.

Yes, yes I am wearing IT merchandise right now. It's definitely not a sexy look that every time he breaks our kiss, it's a fat picture of a clown staring back at him, but we gotta make do.

Adam gently pushed me onto the bed while pulling my body to his swiftly, our chests pressed together, lips drowning in a yearning kiss. I released a suppressed moan, hands gripping his tensing biceps as his own traveled below my waist, squeezing my side as he pulled me closer to him.

He pulled off his shirt along with his jacket in a rush, his eyes faltering to leave mine, tossing it into the corner of the bedroom before pressing his lips onto mine again. My hands trailed down the hot skin of his torso and slipped under his pants, a muffled groan breathed against my ear as i wrapped my fingers around him.

He breathed heavily as I stroked him, lacing kisses down his neck to get a reaction out of him. His hands were fast, pulling at my shirt and my bra fast and hard enough over my neck, his hands then pushed down my sweatpants and my underwear all at once, my god he's fast. Well not that fast. Not when he doesn't need to. He let out a whispered moan as my hand sped up, jerking him rapidly, "Stop" he demanded.

His hand gripped both my wrists, pulling them away from him and pinning them over my head, ah there it is, his signature move, always drives me insane but of course i'll never tell him about it. Don't need to fuel his ego. He kicked off his pants, his eyes burning into me. "Don't think i forgot what you did on that dance floor" his voice was dark, staring into me.

Uh oh.

"You're mine" He asserted, making sure i regret what i did that night, the knot in my stomach making me shudder as he grabbed my hips roughly. Letting out a labored grunt, he grabbed himself, sliding into me in one long and hard, deliberate stroke. I felt the wind knocked out of me, his fingertips digging into my hips, breathing heavily against me, "Oh my god" I let out,

"Fuck" His hips began thrusting, hands dragging all the way up my body until he reached the side of my neck, his fingers softly wrapping around it to dominate me.

I told him one time i liked getting gripped on the neck in bed and he hasn't forgotten once after that, he knows all the things that drives me insane and he won't stop until i'm a mess. Smug bastard.

I whimpered under him, a smirk forming his face as he pressed a little deeper, cautious but dominating. The strength of his strokes reaching my spot made me cry out, my arms snaking over to grab his broad and tensed back, nails digging into his skin.

I whined helplessly, god he was overpowering me, and my own ego is not putting it out that he's clearly winning, like he always does.

"I'm not fucking done" voice raspy, he breathed. God damn him and his monster dick.

Always Belong to the KingWhere stories live. Discover now