Chapter 7-Arrested

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This chapter might be a bit confusing but you will understand as you read more.

The next morning.

It was 8:30am and Caleb was awake thinking about what he heard on the video that Molly showed him last night, he felt scared about what could happen to him or what could happen to Molly.

As Caleb was making a coffee he heard a knock at the door. He walked to the door and opened it.

"Oh hey guys, what's up?" Caleb asked.
"What happened last night we didn't know where you or Molly was and we was worried" Dylan says.
"Oh Um come in I'll wake Molly up and we'll explain" Caleb replied as he moved to the side to let them in.

They sit on the sofa and Caleb goes and wakes Molly up.
Molly and Caleb walk to the group and sit with them.
Caleb explains everything that happened.

"Oh wow so that's why you was so upset about coming here because your dad" Adrian says.
"Yup I've lived through it for my whole life" Caleb replies.
"Well do you guys maybe want to get breakfast?" Dylan asked.
"Sure" everyone respond.

They all walk downstairs to get breakfast.
As they are sitting at a table eating their food Molly's phone bings.

"Oh it's my dad..." Molly says looking at her phone.
"What did he say?" Lola asked.
"He wants to meet for the day" Molly replies.
"You should go you did say you haven't seen him in ages" Lola says.
"I don't know he's been really busy with the company he works at so I haven't been close with him for the past 4 years" Molly says.
"Just think about it" Lola says.

They all go back to the rooms. They separated to go to their rooms.
As Caleb and Molly was by their room Caleb noticed Molly looked really upset so he hugged her.

"Hey it will be okay" Caleb says comforting Molly.
They pull away from the hug and walk into the room.
They sit on the sofa.

"Are you going to go and spend time with you dad?" Caleb asked nervously.
"I don't know..." Molly replied.
"I think you should it might help you and him become close again" Caleb says with a warm smile.
"Okay I will" Molly says smiling back at him.

Skip to the afternoon when Molly leaves to go to meet her dad.

"Hey I'm leaving to go to meet my dad now" Molly says.
"Okay bye I will see you later" Caleb says a be waves bye to her.

Molly leaves.
About an hour later Lilly texts Molly


Hey Molly when are you coming back because we are going to Rhode island to do more research for your projects and we are leaving in an hour and we are staying there for 2 days

No I'm spending time with my dad because I haven't seen him in 4 years and I'm spending the night at his house

Okay that's perfectly fine just be safe when you go back to the hotel tomorrow morning

I will bye, I will see you in 2 days


End of text.

Molly decides to text Caleb to tell him that she is going to sleep at her dads house and spend more time with him.


Hey i might spend the night at my dads so I will see you in the morning

End of text

Caleb's POV:
He was sitting in his room just watching tv and all of a sudden a knock comes from the door. He gets up and sees who it is. He opens the door and he lets Lilly in.

"We are going to Rhode island for two days to do more research for our projects, do you want to come?" Lilly says.
"No I'm going to stay here it might be safer for me because of what happened with my dad" Caleb responded.
"Okay Molly isn't going with us either because she's with her dad but she will be back tomorrow morning" Lilly says
"Okay I will see you in two days" Caleb says.
"Bye be safe" Lilly says as she walks out the room.

It's now 3:00pm.

She checks her phone to see if she had got a response from Caleb but she hadn't .
She just brushes it off and thinks that he might be busy.
A couple hours later still nothing of Caleb. She starts to get worried but she looks at the time and it's 8:40pm so she just thinks he might of gone to sleep.

She settles down and lies in bed.
(She's in the guest bedroom of her dads house)
She eventually falls asleep an hour later.

The next morning.

Molly wakes up at 8:00am so she can go back to the hotel.
She gets back to the hotel and goes to hers and Caleb's room.
She walks into the room and there's no sight of Caleb.

"Where is he?" Molly thinks to herself.
"Oh wait the class went to Rhode island so he might have just gone with them" she thinks.

She decides to watch tv for a bit. As she is flicking through the channels the news comes on and she heard Caleb's name so she goes back onto the news.

"The famous model Caleb Montgomery has been arrested" the news reporter says.

"What oh no what did she do" Molly thinks.

Molly texts Lilly


Lilly, Caleb has been arrested

What how? We are coming back now

Okay be quick

End of text

"I need to try and get him out he's guilty he never did anything" Molly says to herself.

About 2 hours later Lilly and the classroom come back to the hotel.

"Molly what happened?" Dylan asked worried.
"There's one thing me and Caleb didn't mention to you guys" Molly says worried.
"What was it?" Dylan asks.
"Well your his best friend so you will know his ex Demi" Molly replies.
"Ugh not her, what has she done now?" Dylan says.
"When Caleb's dad moved me to the side she walked up to me and whispered something in my ear" Molly says.
"What was is?" Summer asks.
"She said, stay away from Caleb he's mine and if you don't I will make sure his life is destroyed, I will tell everyone on my YouTube channel that he assaulted me and get him sent to prison, I will destroy his goody two shoes image" Molly responds.
"WHAT" everyone says in unison.
"What are we going to do?" Lola asks.
"I have proof that she whispered that and Caleb never did anything" Molly says.
"We need to show it to the police" Dylan says.

The group walk to Lilly's room.

"Lilly we have to go to the police we have proof Caleb never did anything" Molly says.
"Okay let's go" Lilly says.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I enjoyed writing this chapter and I'm excited to write the next chapter.
Also sorry this chapter is a bit short then the last ones.
I hope you have a great day😊

1198 words🙃

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