Chapter 5- New york project

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The group welcomed Caleb into the group and for a couple days the group talked for hours getting to know him and him getting to him them. He was so happy that he made a group of friends and he was with his best friend. He didn't have to do modelling anymore so he could just finally be a normal kid.

Caleb's POV:
"My first day of College is today, I'm actually excited" Caleb thought to himself.
"Hey bro you ready?" Dylan asked as he walks into Caleb's room.
"Yeah I'm ready let's go" Caleb responds as they walk out to the living room.
"Bye mom" Caleb says hugging his mom.
"Bye sweetie have fun" Caleb's mon responds.
Caleb and Dylan walk to college.
They get to the college and see Lola and molly talking so they walk to them.

"Hey boys" Lola says looking up at them.
"Hey" they both responds.
It's time to go to class so they walk together because they have the same class.
As they get into the classroom they see their friends so they go and sit with them.

The class starts

Molly's POV:
"It's like mid lesson now and all lesson so far model boy has been looking at me" she thinks.
"Molly!" The tutor says walking towards her.
"Huh sorry" molly responds.
"I asked if you was ok" the tutor says.
"Oh I'm fine..." molly replies.
The tutor carries on.
Finally it's lunch time.
The group walk to the cafe where they always go to.

"I like how molly and Caleb met here and they are soulmates but won't admit it" Lola whispers to Dylan.
"I know right they need to open their eyes" Dylan whispers back.
They both laugh a little.
Everyone at the table looks at them with a look asking what's funny.
"What's funny?" Molly asks.
"Oh nothing" Lola replies.

They talk for a while and go back to college and go through a normal day.

Caleb's POV:
"It's been about two weeks since I've been in college now and I'm enjoying it so far" he thinks
He sits on his bed and looks at a photo of him and the group and all the pictures of him with individual friends in the group. He grabs the one of him and Molly. He gets lost in thought.
"She's so gorgeous... wait what why did I think that" he says to himself.
"But she is really gorgeous though" he thinks
"Wait do I like Molly?" He questions himself.

"It's a Saturday today and as normal me and the group are meeting at the cafe" Caleb thinks to himself smiling.
He gets ready and goes to the cafe.
He gets there and sits with the group.

It's 12:30pm

"As usual molly looks pretty as always.... wait no why do I keep thinking this" Caleb thinks.
"What you looking at model boy" molly says looking towards Caleb.
"Huh?" Caleb responds.
Molly rolls her eyes and walks back to the counter.
"What's up bro?" Dylan asks.
"Oh nothing I just started daydreaming" Caleb replies.
"Oh okay" Dylan says.
They group talk for a while. It's now 4:00pm so they decide to go home.

Skip to Monday.

The group all meet up and go to the classroom. They sit in their usual seats. After 5 minutes the teacher walks in.

"Okay guys today I'm pairing you up for a project, for this project we are going to New York" the tutor says.
"Yay" everyone says except Molly and Caleb.
The tutor starts pairing people up.
"Bonnie and Adrian, Millie and James, Summer and Alex, Lola and Dylan and then....Caleb and Molly" the tutor says
"Ugh I got to work with model boy" Molly thinks to herself.
"Okay so on Friday we will be going to New York, sorry it's short notice but my boss has decided to pass your course you have to do a project on Frances connection with America which will include a project about the famous statue of Liberty, so I hope you all have passports,we were very lucky in managing to get flights and hotels booked at such short notice, so make sure you talk to your parents and get them to sign the permission slips or you won't be going" the tutor says.
The day goes by and it comes to the time for them to go home the group walk home together as they don't live far from each other. On the walk home everyone could see Molly and Caleb looked sad.
"Hey Molly, Caleb you guys okay?" Bonnie asks.
"Oh yeah I'm fine.... it's just I don't think my mom will let me go to New York" Caleb says.
"But if you don't go you and Molly can't do the project" Lola says.
"I know I will try and talk to her" Caleb says walking to his house.
"Bye Caleb" everyone says as they carry on walking.
"Now what's with you" Lola says looking at Molly.
"Its just my dad lives in New York and I haven't seen him in like 5 to 6 years" Molly replies to Lola.
"Oh yeah I forgot about that, I'm so sorry Molls" Lola says hugging Molly.
"It's okay I'm still going to come" Molly says as she hugs Lola back.

They all go home.

"Hey mom my teacher set a project and we have to go New York for it" Molly said to her mom.
"Sure hunny why do you seem so sad about it though?" Mollys mom responds.
"It's just I haven't seen dad in 5 to 6 years and I might see him" Molly replied.
"It will be fine" Molly mom said as she go up hugging Molly.

Caleb's POV:
He got home and walked to his moms room.
"Hey mom um can I talk to you?" Caleb asked.
"Sure what's wrong?" Caleb's mom replies.
"My teacher set this project but for the project we have to go somewhere" Caleb says nervously.
"Where do you have to go?" Caleb's mom asks.
"New York" Caleb says really nervous.
"Um i don't know" his mom says
"But mom if I can't go me and my partner can't do the work" Caleb says.
"Okay I will let you go just please make sure you are careful on who sees you and make sure your not recognisable because you don't want your father to find out because if he does it will be bad" Caleb mom says worried.
"I will mom" he says walking out his moms room.

He goes to his bedroom and grabs his phone to see messages off the group.


Caleb you allowed to come?

Yeah I'm allowed I talked to my mom I just need to be careful who sees me

Why do you need to be careful who sees you?

I don't want to talk about it

Okay you don't have to tell us if you don't want to

Thanks for understanding guys

No problem

End of texting

Skip to Friday morning.

Everyone wakes up at 6:00am because they need to be at the airport by 7:30am
Everyone gets ready and gets to the school.
Everyone gets on the couch and they get to the airport.

"Everyone will be sitting with their partners on the plane" the tutor says.
"Good luck girl" Lola says laughing
"Yeah I'm going to need it" Molly says rolling her eyes.

It's 9:00am and everyone is getting on the plane and sits where they need to.

11 hours later and they get to New York at 8:00pm.
Everyone gets to the hotel

"Theses are the groups for the rooms.... Molly, Lola, Bonnie, Millie and summer, you girls are in room 301.... Caleb, Dylan, James, Alex and Adrian, you boys are in room 302... etc." The tutor says.

"Oooo yay we are together" the girls say in unison.
The group decide to get food and then go to sleep.

The next two days everyone goes around exploring New York.
After everyone explored New York the tutor told them to start doing the project.
Molly and Caleb decide to go to the statue of Liberty.
They get there and walk around to get information for their project. As they are walking the paparazzi started swarming Caleb and Molly. Caleb knew how to get away from them he grabbed Molly's hand and run through the crowd.

I hope you guys liked this chapter.
I enjoyed writing this chapter and make sure your ready for chapter 6 because I have a lot of good ideas for the next chapter.
Hope you guys have a great day😊

1449 words🙃

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