Unusual Place - Chapter 2

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I climbed the hill. It was a huge wide area forest, and birds chirping, strange noises coming from all sides. It was almost dark and the noises kept coming. For a moment I did get scared but one thing that puzzled me is that if no one comes here then how did someone leave a key in this cursed forest? And if Rita actually wanted it then why didn't she visit this hill? Maybe she was scared because of people's stories. I stopped to rest, made a camp fire and ate my food. Then I slept near a bristlecone pine tree. In the middle of the night as I moved, my leg fell on the tree and I heard a noise and something fell on my leg. I woke up to check and it was a very unusual thing. It looked like a key but it was so different. I just acted and pierced the key on the tree thinking how will this work. Suddenly there was a light and a door was formed on the trunk of the tree. The door looked beautiful. I touched and entered the place. It was such an outstanding place, so different my eyes couldn't believe that such a place even existed. I pinched myself to check if this was a dream, but it wasn't. Such a clean and beautiful place! Suddenly a tall men grabbed my hand and took me to a huge monastery,
Man :" You shouldn't be here, this is a forbidden place for humans to enter!!"
I was wondering that the man was human too but I didn't get why he was so angry and upset.
Nicole:"Well, you're a human too."
Man:"We aren't humans but we look like them. I can't tell you anything more. You must go back to earth, but wait until the wizard passes his sentence."
And suddenly there was a flash of light and a man looking like a wizard appeared here."
Wizard:"Nicole, isn't it?."
Nicole:"Yes, but how do you know my name?"
Wizard:"I know everything. Tell me one thing, do you have the key with which you entered this place."
Nicole:"yes, it's in my pocket."
Wizard:"keep it with you, and when you go back to earth, see that you give the key in the hands of the government. It will be safe there."
Nicole:" But why can't you take it? It's yours isn't it?"
Wizard:"We can't tell you anything nor can we tell you what this place is about, but follow what I told you. Now go back to where you Came from."
Everything sounded so curious. As I was going back, the wizard came to me.
Wizard:"here, take this potion it will help you."
Nicole:"help me for what?"
As I drank the potion I felt something weird and suddenly I was starting to understand things. But when I tried to know about this, place it blocked me."
Wizard:" this is a potion of wisdom. It will give you knowledge about everything you see, except this place. You will be a wise person. Looking at you makes me feel your 20 years but now your thoughts are upgraded and whenever someone tries to attack you, you will imagine it before and move from the location where the person attacks."
Nicole:" Thank you so much, this is amazing. I will go back to earth and do whatever you said."
As I reached the point where I had to leave this place I suddenly imagined and saw someone attacks me from behind, I moved from that point and a weird looking demon attacked me, but missed the spot,
Demon:"How did I miss, who are you? How did you know I was gonna attack?"
The demon turned again towards me with a sword and tried to kill me but I could see all his attacks before and from that power I defended myself but I could no longer do it more I got tired and the sword hit me on my hand I was bleeding and fell on the floor. There was no one around,and I thought this is the end. But suddenly a girl coming from a triangular shaped flying ship. The girl was standing on the flying ship and a blast of fire came out from her hand and the demon fell weak.
Demon:"You fool, you know humans aren't allowed here! he broke the rule and must die."
Girl:"he may have broken the rule, but there is no rule to kill if someone breaks it. You must go back to your world, demon. We will take care of this human."
Demon:"Or what."
Girl:"Or I will get my team and finish you."
Demon:" I was given an order to kill this human and bring it to our world and eat his flesh for a feast."
Girl:"Should I inform the headquarters about this? I'm sure they will rip you in half."
And the demon leaves.
Nicole:"Thanks for saving me. I was going back."
Girl:"Go back fast as you can."
And I opened the door and reached back to earth, and then I went with pride and explored the hill. I was happy about the power the wizard gave me. And I went back to the city. The citizens were shocked and crowded towards me.
A citizen:" Isn't that hill cursed? What happened there?"
Nicole:" The hill isn't cursed. It's a made up story to protect the forest and animals there. And to all the citizens, please keep it protected."
And I walked away from the crowd

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