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Sometimes people may think that this world is normal and the only living thing that walk around freely are humans.

That was what all Humans thinks at least but little do they know in another dimension where vampire exist with humans, it's a cruel world there the humans are nothing but slave to the vampire...they are ruled by a cold blooded Vampire who lived longer than any other ones, anyone who saw her would kneel before her out of respect and fear, sometimes when vampire can't find the perfect human to enslave they go to the other world where vampire don't exist, and that is what happened to Kim Yongsun...

Bold Italics=Wheein

Yongsun POV
It's late outside already...it's all because of the dumb weather suddenly raining when I'm in the middle of a road...I had to wait an hour for it to stop.

I should quickly get back home, it's dangerous out here and you never know what will happen to you...

I walk into a dark alley since it's a shortcut and bump into someone...

"Ahh...I'm so sorry are you hurt" I help him up and took out my napkin to wipe the dirt off him but he grabbed my arm

"Eh...uhh sir?"

("Boss I think this one will be sold for a great amount")

"H-Huh?" Suddenly a guy jump in front of me and gave me a shock how did he do that...he gripped on my arm tightly and stare and me and I suddenly felt restless... I could have sworn his eyes turned red before I collapsed...


("She is the most beautiful human I've seen...")

("Sadly She is sold for a million gems...I would have brought her myself...")

("I can't believe we have such a great treasure with us...")

I opened my eyes and to my horror I was locked inside a cage naked like an animal...I was handcuffed and there was a collar with a chain lock to the bar...what in the world is going on...

("Ah you are awake gorgeous") A lady in a tuxedo walk towards me and smirked at me she opened the cage and placed a bowl of water and food in front of me...and it's a dog bowl too...am I being treated like an animal right now...

("Don't be shy...we are nice but if you try to do anything funny...we will drink your blood") She said and pat my head, I look at her mouth and gasped loudly...she have fangs...literally sharp fangs...

"V-Vampire...ok I must be dreaming..."

("Sadly you are not...you are going to be sold as a slave...you are the most gorgeous one we have seen yet...what's your name")

"Kim Yongsun...but people call me Solar..."

("I suggest you eat up those food before it becomes cold...don't want anything to happen to our property") What is wrong with the people here...do they sell people as some toys and treat them like animals this is wrong...

"Why am I here..." I ask the lady and she look at me coldly this time and squat down and look at my eyes and sigh...

("You are from another dimension it's no wonder...Humans are sold as slaves in this world...and you cost millions alright...truth be told I would buy you if I had the money...you are gorgeous...")

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