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Marinette POV

Okay.... so I'm walking onto Luka's boat and I'm gonna faint.

Ur ok Marinette, ur ok Marinette, ur ok Marinette, ur ok Marinette.

"Marinette is that you?" Luka emerges out of the door looking calm as ALWAYS. How the hell does he do it?

OMG he's soooooo hot. He's wearing ripped denim jeans, Marinette Dupan Cheng... pull yourself together! He slowly walks up to me and puts his hands on my face and tilts my head so I'm looking into his eyes.

Ah... his beautiful blue eyes, so many stories to find and yet to be told. He's looking at me, he can see me. Luka can see me. WAIT... Luka can see me!

What am I wearing again. Oh no I'm wearing a pastel pink dress that I designed myself. What if he doesn't like it. I should of gone with my usual outfit, stupid Marinette! See this is why I cannot date people... it's too scary.

"Marinette," his voice forces me back into reality, "you haven't said anything yet." I open my mouth but no words come out. I can feel the sweat building up on my neck. I'm going to cry but then Luka looks me in the eyes again but this time with determination in them.

And that's when I know. Luka doesn't expect me to be anyone but myself. He knows I'm not perfect and is patient with my flaws. It wasn't like this with Adrien, I had to be someone else for the public, had to pretend for him. Like he was almost ashamed of me. With Luka he will listen, he will hurt for me and he loves me. I realise now that I... I love him too.

I return his gaze and then it's like a magnetic force is pulling us together, his breath is on my face, his hands find my waist, our faces are inches apart. I close my eyes...

Then I feel a force pushing me away. "Ah," I fall on the ground. I look up to see... Cat Noir. Da hell? He's yelling at Luka for some reason, he looks so angry. Luka on the other hand just looks confused. (Things will be explained in chapters to come.)

Then Cat Noir walks over to me and extends a hand. Was he the one who knocked me down? It couldn't of been anyone else. He then randomly picks me up like a baby and carries me to the dark ally where Luka found out I was Multimouse. I feel furious right now, he had no right to do that.

"Marinette, I-I know that you're Ladybug now," Cat Noir stutters.
"What???" I look down... should I deny it or...
"Don't even try to deny it. I realise that it has always been you who I loved, as both Ladybug and Marinette. And I feel it is only fair that I reveal my identity to you."
"No!" I yell, "I don't even want to talk to you right now! You ruined an intimate moment with Luka! You've always been hitting on me! And you only love me cause I'm Ladybug!"

Tears are now rolling down my face. I feel the bitter pit of hate in my stomach. I then grab a random broom and whack him... hard. Oh... that felt good. He can handle it. He falls to the ground in shock while rubbing his head. He looks up at me with eyes like he can't believe I was ever capable of hurting someone. Ha... I'd happily do it again. Then I storm off before dashing off to my house where I lock myself in my room.

Tikki comes out to try to comfort me but I don't want it right now.

"See Tikki, this is why I can't love anyone," my face burns, "it's too hard being someone else, there will always be things stopping me from being capable to love. I just hurt both Luka and Cat Noir. No one will ever love me!"

Tikki just hugs me while I sob myself to sleep.

Lukanette, I will protect youWhere stories live. Discover now