I did not expect that

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Marinette pov:

I did not expect this at all. I never took Luka to be the forcing type, he was more the gentle yet sincere approach type, not the "go on a date with me or I will tell everyone your secret" type.

I doubted doing this. I was not ready for another relationship, Adrien only broke up with me two weeks, five hours and 46 minutes ago. I never went out with Luka because I felt like it wasn't fair, that I would always be thinking of Adrien if I was with him. That all Luka was was my second choice.

That being said, Luka has always been there for me. He is someone who I care for, I trust and will always be there for me. Although it looks like I don't really have a choice in this situation.

"Ummm, fine. I'll come over to your place on Sunday morning" I then turned around and ran as fast as I could. The truth was that I was scared, I couldn't handle it if Luka rejected me too.

Luka pov:

She actually accepted. I did not expect that. I surprised myself when I asked Mari out, it just naturally came out of my mouth. As if I'd ever force Mari to go out with me... Wait, that's what I just did.

But she accepeted! What the hell was I thinking?! What am I going to do now? Flustered I pick up my guitar and just strum what I'm feeling. I play about Marinette, the girl who I fell in love with at first sight, my rejected love for her, her tragic love story, my anger torwards Adrien and her secrets.

Marinette is amazing. Not only is she a hero on the outside(literally) but a hero on the inside. She is kind, sweet, pretty, patient and everything to me. And I hate Adrien for ever rejecting her.

Marinette Pov:

Right now I'm freaking out in my room. Luka likes me! He asked me out! What am I gonna wear? What do I say? What if... what if...


The next day, Kagami Pov:

I know Adrien being with me hurt Marinette but I really didn't want our friendship to go to waste. She is one of the only friends I have, so I invited her for ice cream. I could tell something was very wrong, her hair was a mess, there were bags underneath her eyes and she had the vibe of "leave me alone or I'll punch you" going on. I was honestly pretty scared.

"Hey Kagami..." she yawned. When I asked if she had any sleep last night she gave me a little smile and shook her head gently. After sitting down, the tension in the air was as thick as water, we were both drowning. I knew we couldn't make small talk so I just got straight to the point.

"I don't agree with what happened," I suddenly spoke out of nowhere.
"Huh?" Marinette tilted her head.
"I mean I'm happy that Adrien is with me but..." she looked down uncomfortabbly, "but I disagree with how it happened." She looked up again but with a waiting expression.

I took a deep breath and it all came out, "I was jealous of you and Adrien. So I was happy when he asked me out. But he should never of broken up with you in text. And he should of waited a while before asking me out," tears started welling up, "I'm sorry I am such a horrible friend. I just wanted to be with him, but yet I need to be your friend. I am so selfish... I am sorry! You can leave now if you want."

I stared at my ice cream waiting for a slap or the sound of her walking away. But instead...
"Kagami look at me." I knew I deserved whatever came next.
"Don't you dare blame yourself. I blame Adrien not you. You were dragged into this drama. I would never want to stop being your friend. So don't ever say that again!"

Shocked I looked up and could see Marinette was dead serious.
She layed a hand on my shoulder, "we good."
Overwhelmed I nodded. I did not expect that. Marinette is a true friend. It was a very special moment...

Until Marinette dropped her ice cream. Then we laughed and shared mine. We made plans to have a sleepover at Alya's place and talked about life. As she was leaving she turned around.

"Btw don't worry about me and Adrien. I have a date on Sunday!"

Author's note:
Thank you for reading this!

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