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Marinette was at a Master Fu's, telling him about how she found the pearl of the sea.

  - ... and when I got it out of the sand, it gave me underwater abilities.
  - Well done Marinette. Who would have thought that the pearl of the sea has actually been in the Seine all this time. But there are still two more pearls and two more stones to find.
  - What is the riddle for the next pearl master?
  -" Locked away on the bridge of love
    The pearl of heart will glow
    When you let your feelings take control"
  - "let feelings take control"? Isn't this the opposite of what a superhero should do?
  - There is a right a moment for everything Marinette. Yes sometimes you mustn't let what you feel have the better of you, but other times, you must listen to your heart.

Later that day, Marinette was preparing a present for Miss Bustier's birthday. She made a make up bag and now she was making the finishing touches.

  - Wow, it looks amazing Marinette!
  - Thanks, I hope Miss Bustier likes it.
  - Your teacher must be an amazing person if your entire class is preparing presents for her.
  - Yes, she really is amazing.

Marinette recalled her first meeting with Miss Bustier. It was on one of the first days of school in 5th grade. Chloé  had her cornered and she was bullying her as usual. Luckily Miss Bustier happened to pass by and made Chloè leave Marinette alone. It was not the only time Miss Bustier came to the students' help. She often solved all kinds of conflicts between pupils. So, Miss Bustier's birthday was the perfect occasion for students to show their appreciation.
On the second day's morning Marinette was late, as usual.

-Let me guess, you just finished your gift.
- Maybe...but I'm afraid that compared to the other's gifts, mine's gonna be super lame!
-How 'bout you, Marinette? I'm sure you've come up with something awesome, as usual.
-Oh, me? Uh... It's nearly reffing at all. Uh! I mean... It's really nothing at all!
-"If we wish to change the world, we must all learn to love each other." That's one of the first things Miss Bustier taught us when we first met her at school. I always keep it in mind.
  - Aww
  - I also added this tube of lip balm, Miss Bustier's favorite color!
  - Come to think of it, Miss Bustier is probably the reason we all get along so awesomely.
  - I'm so lucky to get a teacher like her for my first year in school. How about you, Chloé? What's your present?

Chloé glanced at the others, not saying anything. They moaned disappointedly.

-It's not her fault, okay? Chloé just doesn't like birthdays! She never remembers them, just like her mom.
-Yeah, well, you don't have to tell 'em my life story, either. Anyway, all that stuff about compliments and love? Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!
-This girl's got no heart!
-Uh, of course I have a heart! Daddy will even buy me a second one, if I want.

The bell rang signaling the start of a new lesson.

-What's our next lesson, again?
-Physical science.

The students chattered as they leave the locker room.  Marinette put her present in her locker and slammed the locker door, not noticing that it didn't latch shut. Marinette and Alya left together, both glaring  at Chloé. Sabrina attempted  to leave but Chloé stopped her.

- We're going to be late for Mrs. Mendeleiev's physics class, Chloé!
-Permanent marker.

Sabrina handed Chloè a permanent marker.

  - Cap off.

Sabrina took off the cap of the marker. Chloè opened Marinette's locked and took the present.

- I do have a present for you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

A few lessons later, it was time for Miss Bustor's class.

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