~chapter 2

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I immediately leave and head for the training grounds to watch the cadets. I'm so so so sorry Love, I'll make it up to you one day. I just need to go with Erwin's plan for now.


-day of the trial-

Eula's POV: 

 I hear a banging on my cell. "Wake up, it's almost time for your trial.", the voice of Erwin Smith says. "What time is it?" I ask. "Currently 7:30 am. We need you there 30 minutes before it begins to make sure that everyone can prepare." He says. "Alright, let me get dressed then I'll head out." He nods then leaves my cell.

5 minutes later, I'm in handcuffs and being pushed to the court room. Once I enter, I see another person in the center, handcuffed too. To my left, I see Levi, Erwin, the girl named Petra, a furious black haired girl, and a blond... girl? I don't know, that person kinda looks like a boy AND a girl. Anyways, he/she was trying to restrain the furious girl. 

To my right, I see officials and some familiar faces as I have stolen their gear. They're smirking, and I suppose they're happy that I finally got caught. I just roll my eyes at them.

I get pushed forward, almost stumbling, and is kneeled down beside the boy. I look towards him and say, "I'm Eula. You?" "Eren, and I'm here because people think I'm a threat." 

"Cool, I AM a threat, caught stealing, came from the Underground and-" "Oh so you know Captain Levi?" "Uh, you could say that." "SILENCE." The judge says while banging his gravel. Everyone in the room suddenly stops talking and their focus moves to the judge. 

"Today we are here for the trial of Eren Yeager and Eula Lillith. Eren Yeager is found as a titan shifter and poses as a threat to humanity-" ,the judges says before here is cut off by Eren, "I am not a threat!", the judge surprisingly looks at Eren and continues, "As I was saying, *ehem*, he poses a threat to humanity. 

On the other hand, Eula Lillith was caught stealing a 'pyrochematic stone' from the top selling shop in the Walls. She was also known for stealing ODMG from qualified officials." the judge states, I find this a good time to speak. "Apparently, they weren't qualified enough, all I saw were some drunkards 'guarding' the walls." I suddenly hear mumbling on my right and see smirking on my left.

"Enough", the judge says, "any defendants..... Erwin Smith, Commander of the Scouts, you may speak." I look at Mr. Eyebrows who was raising his hand. "Thank you, on behalf of the Scouts, I am vouching Eren Yeager. On the other hand, Levi Ackerman, Humanity's Strongest Soldier, I vouching for Eula Lillith." I got surprised. Levi.... vouching for me? Impossible. 

"Eren Yeager, who was part of the 104th........." I no longer paid any attention. The voices became softer, and I hear someone in my mind. 'They will all just leave you, especially Levi. It's written in fate. Your mother dying was also fate. Everyone in your life lied to you, the ones you loved.' Stop...stop..."STOP!" Everyone's attention was directed to me. "Sorry... please continue." "*Ehem* Now it is time to oppose the defendant of Eren Yeager." 

The people on my right started to accuse Eren and make what I think are false accusations. They also said some rude remarks to him, which caused him to become angry and fight back. Before the judge can silence everybody, Levi kicks Eren in the face, beating the shit out of him. 

"You all know I can easily kill Eren if he gets out of control, and here is my proposal. We make sure that Eren will use his titan abilities for the good of humanity and not for our danger. We will also hope to use him for experiments and the further knowledge about titans. In return, you will allow us to take him into the Survey Corps. 

This goes for Eula Lillith as well, we will keep a close eye on both of them, so you have nothing to worry." Levi finishes. "....alright, both are cleared of all charges and are handed over to the Survey Corps."

We head out of the courtroom. I find Levi and talk to him.

"Hey, um thank you." I say. "You're welcome brat." He ruffles my hair. "Brat huh? I missed that. But don't think I've forgiven you yet." I state. "Alright, but meet me in my office later. Tell titan boy that too. We have to discuss some things about you 2 joining the Corps." he orders. " 'kay."

We go to the HQ and take a quick shower. While showering, I think about what will happen next. Once I finished, I headed to Levi's office. "You're late." he sternly says. "Alright, now why are we here." "According to Erwin, you 2 are in my squad now. So meet the others over dinner." "Yes sir!" Eren says with his hand on his chest. "...okay?" i stand up to leave. "Oi Cadet Eula, if you're not going to salute, at least call me Captain Levi or Corporal." Ugh, he's getting on my nerves. "Alright, alright 'old man'." I say in a very mocking tone. "Good, now both of you get to dinner."

I arrived to the eating area and see the people who are supposd to be my squad mates. "Hello, I'm Petra Ral! This is Eld Jinn, Oluo Bozado, and Gunther Schultz. I supposed you 2 are our new squad members?" Eren and I both nod our heads. "Cool! Oh and also you need to be good in cleaning if you don't want to get on Corporal's nerves." Cleaning? Hah, I mastered that when I met him. My cleaning style is almost as perfect as he wants it. 

"Alright, thanks for the heads-up." Petra and I chatted a lot, while Eren was getting teased by the other boys. It seemed I was the eldest among those who were currently there except for Levi who was eating at the other table with the other commanders and leaders. I seemed Petra had a thing for Oluo, except she never showed it, which was understandable. 

As I left to go to sleep, I asked Petra where my room was. She told me that since they were only expecting 1 extra member, there weren't enough rooms. So I have to share a room with the Corporal. Great, just great. Not like my day can't get worse. I head to his office which was where his room was as well. I quickly get changed and head to bed.

Levi's POV:

I head to my office to see Eula sleeping on my bed. Petra must have told her that this is where she's sleeping. I'll thank her for that tomorrow. I get changed and work on the new batch of paperwork that Erwin gave me. Such a pain the ass. 

-4:30 am, early in the morning-

Eula's POV:

I go to get water from the counter and see Levi sleeping on a stack of papers. I help him do the work by using his signature. Since I was young, he taught me his signature, so now it looks like the exact replica of when he does it. By 5:00, place a blanket on him, and head to sleep, ready to wake up early tomorrow at 7.


Thank you for reading this chap so far! 💕

xx author-chan

Word count: 1238 words

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