~chapter 1

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I tell her everything that happened and break down. She hugs me in her arms and calms me down. "It's okay dear, I'll be here to protect you from now on."


-timeskip to 6 years later- 

Shit, they're right behind me. Now you must be wondering, why am I running. Well, I may or may not have stolen some ODMG from some officials. I feel like I'm having deja vu right now, because people in green hoods are chasing me. It was like that time when my friends left me. 

Something feels quite different though, the person in front, or as I like to think about it, their leader seems more skilled than the rest. He seems faster and has a better reaction time, kinda like someone I knew. "Ah!" My train of thoughts get interrupted as I am knocked to the ground and cuffed up.

"Who are you?," the leader asks. I say nothing until he kicks me in the stomach. "Should I repeat myself? What is your name?!" "I'm Eula Lillith! Stop kicking me and let me go!" I tackle the person down to the ground but he counters my hit. That method seems familiar. I decide to look under the hood and see...

"L-levi?" I say with tears starting to prickle my eyes. "Took you long enough," He replies. Out of anger and sadness, I start to hit him and punch him in the chest and in his face. "YOU LIAR, YOU BROKE THE PROMISE AND LEFT ME!" After a few minutes, he grabs my hand as I try to punch him again. "Don't resist Lillith. We're taking you to confinement, then, you will be brought to the court to be judged." My head down, I just follow them to their headquarters.

Once we arrived, I was brought to the office of Erwin Smith, the Commander of the Survey Corps. He asked me questions about my past, my family, and such.

"Alright, so last question, did you meet anybody in the Underground and what was your relation to them?" Erwin asked me.

"I met a few people but they were never important to me." This statement seemed to have surprised Levi quite a bit but his face went back to his emotionless expression.

"Alright, Petra, please bring her to the confinement room and give her some food and water." Erwin ordered the girl.

"Yes sir." The girl who seemed as 'Petra' replied. We left the room and headed to where I was going to stay until I was going to court.

Levi's POV:

"So Levi, I have a question for you about Eula Lillith." Commander Eyebrows said.

"Shoot it Eyebrows." I replied. "Did you know Eula when you were in the Underground?"

sigh... Should I tell him everything, or leave out some parts?  "Yes I did know her, she was one of my childhood friends along with Isabel and Farlan." "How did you 4 meet?" "Like she said, she had an abusive father whom she ran away from. What she didn't tell you is that she met me when she saw me fighting some men in the town square. I offered for her to meet Farlan and Isabel and she agreed. We taught her how to fight and use the gear." 

"....." I see that Erwin remain silent after what I said. "But why didn't I see her when we caught you steal the stone and when I invited you 3 to the Corps?" He's right, I thought she was at the back trying to fend of the others but maybe... 

"She was part of our plan but maybe she got left behind trying to fend off the others. We can ask her about this later on after the court session so that we can gain her trust. She'll be with the Jeager kid anyway." I reply, "Right, right. You're dismissed." Erwin says. I nod and head for the door. 

I go to my office and try to remember what she said to me earlier. "YOU LIAR, YOU BROKE THE PROMISE AND LEFT ME!"  her voice is stuck in my head. I left her for 6 years... I screwed up really bad. I thought they took her as well, just separated her from me, but why? No. She was left behind without us even realizing it. I need to talk to her tomorrow about what happened, and see if she still has it.

-the next day-

I head to her cell and see her still sleeping. "Oi Lillith, wake up." I say.

"Shut up, I was trying to have some silence before I knew you would come here." she replies.

I notice her voice is very hoarse. "Drink some water first," I tell her. "Stop talking to me like you still care about me." That left a pang in my heart. "Eula..," saying her name made me feel like I was speaking a different language. "...I still care about you. It's just that-" 

"SHUT UP! You still care about me?! Then why did you leave me to rot in the streets for almost 6 years? If not for my mother that found me once again, I'd be dead! But no! Stupid titans killed her when the walls fell 5 years ago! I was alone once again, when you and her were my light. I always hope to see my friends again but not like this Levi. Where are Isabel and Farlan huh?!"

"...dead." I tell her. "...F*ck I knew it. I presumed that all 3 of you were dead already. Just leave already." I can hear her sniffling and crying on my way out. "Wait..." I ask. "What?" she says to me in a tone I have never hear her use before. "....do you still have it? You know, the trinket?" Levi what are you thinking, of course she doesn't- 

"Yeah I still do. I was my only memory of you all these years...." My face softens at her response. "Good, keep it with you. And... I'm sorry." I immediately leave and head for the training grounds to watch the cadets. I'm so so so sorry Love, I'll make it up to you one day. I just need to go with Erwin's plan for now.


Here's the next chapter I was too lazy to make! Hope you enjoyed!!

xx author-chan

Word count: 1037 words

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