"it was a total disaster, there was a hornet in the courtroom. A hornet! can you believe it? it got postponed. it was the judge who got stung,  it was pretty bad." Jun Woo complained. 

you laughed at the little, the presence of a hornet in a courtroom was completely new and unheard of. 

"but you know, I'm pretty pissed off." Jun Woo said in a low tone, looking down at the hand rest of the chair he was siting in, his fingers making little circles on it. his tongue rolling around his lower teeth. "it's annoying"

his tone caught you off-guard, usually he would laugh along on something like that. you quietly call out his name. 

Jun Woo looked at you, his sharp gaze piercing into your your eyes, you tensed up, feeling chills once again, fear starting to grow and loom onto you. you smiled weakly at him, "don't worry, I'm sure you'll win it."

"Is that what you think?" he asked, getting up and slowly making his way towards you. "remember when I asked you to do exactly as I tell you to?" 

"what about it?" you asked seriously, you caught on to him, it was definitely not an innocent little request he made and he had an ulterior motive behind it. 

"Help Babel." he said looking down at you, his height clearly giving him an advantage in dominance. 

"wait why? why Babel? I don't get it, how can I even help Babel. it makes no sense!" you frowned and scrunched your brows in confusion 

"you can and you should" Jun Woo said and leaned down with his hands placed on the table around you, trapping you in between him and the piece of furniture, his lips next to your ear whispering "unless you want your dear brother in trouble"

your eyes widened in shock as you turned your head to face him, looking right into his eyes, he gave a little smirk.

instantly pushing him off you, you looked at him furiously demanding an answer for what he meant by the remark.

"isn't your brother into men?" he asked the question rhetorically, "wouldn't it be interesting if word about him assaulting his dates travel around?" 

"and how do you plan on doing that? he hasn't harmed anyone." you scoffed crossing your arms, "even if you do that you will be charged for defamation and false accusations, you know that right? you are a lawyer yourself."

"it's because I'm a lawyer that I can make it happen. creating evidences, victims and witnesses will be a cakewalk" Jun Woo smiled at you already feeling the taste of victory against you.

"and with the conservative and judgmental country we live in, the loss would be huge, wouldn't it? how badly do you think it will affect your company?" he mockingly held his chin and looked up pretending to be in thought which only made your blood boil.

"why are you doing this?" you asked, it made no sense. "what is that damned company even to you? why does it fucking matter so much? and why am I involved in it?"

Jun Woo reached out and held your wrists, as much as you struggled to get away from him, you couldn't, his grip was too strong. tightening his hold.

"isn't it obvious? I can answer all of that in one word, Mine" Jun Woo said it simply, his eyes carried venom. 

"Jason" you whispered the name you were more familiar with, trying to pry his hands off from your own, "it hurts. stop it"

"then do just as I say okay?" he asked the same question again but this time it a threat, you had to submit or you were bound to suffer. "this is just the tip of the iceberg, if you don't want anything bad to happen, you better do so."

you had no choice, you had to give in. the pain was too much to bear and you could feel your hands getting numb and slowly losing sensation in them, you looked at his face once again and stared into his eyes. he wasn't not the person you knew, and certainly not your friend. 

you nodded in fear. but he did not take it as an answer.

"I can't hear you, say it" he said in a bored and annoyed voice, as if he wanted to get over it quickly. 

a small but clear yes left your lips and instantly he let go of your hands and backed away. 

"good. you promised alright?" he said out loud. "and if you dare to break it and try to stab me in the back, it won't be the slightest bit pretty. alright?" he narrowed his eyes at you.

you nodded back in full understanding as you took a step back, your bar feet feeling the clod floor underneath you. 

"well that is it, I'll take my leave now. good night!" he smiled like nothing happened, grabbing his bag and unlocking the door but stopped to look back to you as if he forgot something "and if you tell anyone about what just happened, I'll kill you" 

with that he just left room leaving you in a puddle of emotions. you couldn't explain how you felt. 

sliding down and sitting on the plain floor in cold sweat, you couldn't believe what just happened. you could do nothing but cry.

your only friend turned out to be something that could hurt you. 

was he ever even your friend? 

did you even know who he really was? 

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