Mystery in the Paper

Comenzar desde el principio

{In the library}

I venture to the computer. All I have to do is ask google whatever I want. Should be easy...

I type:
Else Wair

Only one item pops up:
The Wair Crash

The Wair Crash? Ok... I click it.

A news article comes up from nearly 15 years ago:

The Wair Crash
Elyse Wair was driving home from an unknown place. It was currently around 8pm. What was she doing out so late, especially in the foggy moist weather?No one knows. A deer pranced into the road causing her to swerve off into a tree. A local resident heard the crash and saw the car in smoke. They called 911 and altered everyone around them to get the lady to safety. The lady was unconscious, later at the hospital she was identified as Elyse Wair. She had no family to help her. She stayed in the hospital for a few years. She vsjsjskwkdlkdmsm

The article starts to glitch, "ah shit why??!" I slap the computer but it didn't work. The computer just shut off. Why was she in the hospital for that long? 'She' what? I WANT TO KNOW!

I start shaking the computer. I stop and lean my head back. I groan in frustration, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS STUPID METAL BOXXXX!"

"SHE," the librarian hisses.

"yeesh..." I look back at the computer then at the clock. SHOOT I'M LATE FOR CLASS. I start to grab my things then I see a piece of paper on the chair. I didn't bring this? Argh I don't have time to check it, I'll just bring it to class. I start to sprint to class.

{After class}

I start to walk out but then I hear Alya, "HEY Y/N!" I turn around. "Do you want to come to my house right now, Marinette is coming right now."

"Uhhh...sure why not!"

"Cool! NOW GET IN THE CAR GIRL!" She starts shoving me into the car at the front.

Marinette walks out and she looks at me suspiciously. Then Alya grabs her hand and throws her into the car.


"Sorry Marinette," they both laugh.

{At Alya's house}

"Here's mi casa!"

"I've been here before Alya," Marinette puts her hands on her hips and smiles.

"I know but y/n hasn't, remember?"

Marinette bites her lip slightly then walks into a room.

"Why did you go into my room Marinette!"

There was no answer to Alya's question.

"Can I use the bathroom-?"

"Of course! It's the first door to your left, down the hall."

"Ok thank you," I walk to the door and go in.

Luckily there's a window, I just need some fresh air. Rikko flies out of the purse, "you went to transform?"

"Yeah..." Rikko nods his head to let me know he's ok with it. "Rikko, break free!"

I lock the bathroom door and shout that I'm going to be in the bathroom for awhile. I open the window and fall out.

A bush broke my fall, "ow..."

"Well hello there teddy bear."

I look up and I see the boy with the cat suit, "oh don't mind me Cat."

"I saw you fall from the window. I just thought you needed some assistance."

"No no I'm fine, thanks though."

"Cmon let me lend you a paw."

"I don't want your claws to scratch me." I got up from the bush and wipe all the leaves off me.

"You got one in your hair still," he walks closer to me. He takes a little leaf from my hair.

"Oh...t- thanks," I start to blush.

"You never told me your name."

"M- my name?"

"Yeah your superhero name."

"Ohhh right...uhm it's..." I never really thought about it, "I actually don't know."

"Well here let me help, I give purrfect nicknames so why not a hero name."

"Ok what do you have in mind?"

"Teddy Bear," he says with a smirk.


"I'm kiddingggg, how about Red Bandit?"

"Hm seems too basic..."

"Pan Pan?"

"No that seems more panda than Red Panda."

"WAIT how about, Panda Roux (pondor-ru)"

"That's actually a good name!"

"I added a bit of french into it," he winks at me then smiles slightly.

"I see...thank you kitty."

"Ooh I got upgraded from Cat to Kitty..."

I walk up to him and boop his nose, "and if your lucky, I might start calling you kitten." I extend my baton and leave before I start to fluster around him.

I go around a few buildings to make sure he doesn't follow me. I had enough fresh air. I travel back to the bathroom window, "decamp." I flush the toilet to make it seem I just finished. I wash my hands and open the door. I pull out the paper I found earlier and start to read it:

From a crash emotionally to a crash mentally, this leads to self-destruction
Something that cannot be fixed
All I have to do is press the button
And I am still pissed

W? Who's 'W'?

Thank you to  _-Chloe_Bourgeois-_ and Cupcake_707 for helping me with the hero name for the reader. I appreciate it!

A New Story That Comes to an End // Adrien/Cat Noir x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora