E: She mentioned the dick-pic puzzle. I'm glad you never sent that.


K: Oh no, here we go. You two together wasn't a good idea.

A: What do you mean? We love each other. See?

He pulls Lizzie into a side hug and she playfully rolls her eyes but returns the hug. I smile knowing she really does enjoy Mackie's company.

K: Aw, how sweet. So you aren't going to tell me anything about your shows?

E: Not a thing.

A: Well, I think something is coming. But who knows what it is. We don't know anything ever.

K: Right, I totally believe that. Thank you for stopping by, it's always good to see both of you. Lizzie Olsen and Anthony Mackie everyone!

I mute the tv as I watch them playfully tease each other as they leave the stage.

Me: That was adorable babe.

E: Mackie got his ass handed to him after.

Me: What? Why?

E: He was hitting on you on television!

Me: Oh, right. I mean it's Mackie, you know he says stupid shit.

E: But you're mine.

Me: Cute pout babe.

E: Shut up. I love having you do little things to get you into this world but I forget that means I have to share you.

Me: I can see that. You know I'm gay right?

E: Yes. Obviously.

Me: And isn't he married?

E: I think?

Me: Then you have nothing to worry about.

E: I know, I still don't like how he was talking about you though.

Me: That's okay babe. But I'm yours.

E: That's correct, glad you agree. Alright, you need to get to bed.

Me: You're right. Thanks for watching it with me, my love.

E: I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Me: I love you

E: I love you too, Night night

Me: Sweet dreams

I end the call and smile remembering the interview. She was so excited to talk about me and it makes my heart really happy. Mackie's reaction to the photos is interesting and I'm kind of realizing that people are actually seeing me with Lizzie in some interesting photos. But whatever, I like them and others seem to as well.


Today we are bringing the seniors to Central Park for a field day of some sort. I'm organizing the flag football game and I'm also a captain of one of the teams. Another teacher is the other captain and we have an ongoing fantasy football beef so this will be interesting. My little posse is my team of course and we are ready to dominate. I'm playing quarterback and one of my students from last year is playing wide receiver so this should be fun.

My school takes competition very seriously so there will be prizes. I'm currently passing the ball around with a few students having them run routes to warm up. One of my students is a track star so I have him run as fast and as far as he can before turning to catch the ball, it goes pretty far and I smirk over at the other teacher when he catches it doing a little dance.

Are You With Me? ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now