Chapter 10

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The tight space was claustrophobic. Dana shook Dustin awake so that he could unseal the opening for her to crawl out. Dustin shifted into his adult rabbit form and dug a small opening in the packed earth. Reaching the outside he stood and stretched. The morning air was damp and heavy. Dew dropped from the topiary to the forest floor cover in pine needles, twigs, and dead leaves. The sunlight barely showed through the canopy. All was quiet and calm.

Dustin dug through the remaining dirt to uncover the small den he had made the night before for them to sleep in. Dana emerged and brushed the dirt from her clothes and handed Dustin the clothes he left behind when he shifted. Dressing, his mind wandered back to the night before. The horror of being held by a vampire struck fear in his mind but the composed demeanor Dana maintained throughout the exchange helped to calm him. In his heart he knew that no matter what she would save him even as his body remained frozen in terror. And she did save him. As he lay in her arms he realized that, even though they had only known each other a few days, he loved her and wanted to stay with her forever. If she ever left then his heart would break and he wouldn't want to live without her.

The rumble of both their stomachs brought to mind a more pressing problem and he wanted to do something to provide for her.

"There's some berries over there, I think." Dustin said sniffing the air. "And a stream over there." He said pointing in the same general direction.

Dana nodded. "My wolf and I can't survive on berries, Rabbit. We need meat. I'm going to shift and hunt. I'll meet you at the stream." she said, pulling her shirt off. Dustin watched her undress. Her body was toned and her abdominal muscles were defined in a very sexy 4-pack. Her breasts were high and firm, not too big or too small but absolutely perfect. Her hips flared out under a tapered waist. She was strong yet very feminine at the same time.

"You're drooling Rabbit." she said, removing the last of her clothing and standing naked before him.

Dustin looked away shyly, "Sorry. You're just so beautiful."

Dana lifted his chin and placed a firm quick kiss on his lips. "Go eat Rabbit. I'll be back in a little bit."

"Wait!" Dustin called. Dana turned back. Swallowing nervously he looked down, "G-good luck." he stuttered out.

Dana knew that wasn't what he wanted to say but his body language betrayed that he was uncomfortable. Deciding to let it go, she flashed him a quick smile. "Thank you Rabbit." she said before shifting into a large healthy tan, black, and brown wolf.

Dustin barely registered that he was in the presence of a predator. Instead his mind was in turmoil of what he had almost revealed. Listening closely he realized that he was alone. Closing his eyes, he whispered into the silence, "I love you."


Dana washed the deer blood from her body and face in the stream. Picking up her clothes, she dressed quickly. Dustin came and placed a large piece of bark, full of berries on the grass next to the stream.

"Come and eat." he invited as he sat down.

Bending down Dana cupped his face and kissed him breathless before taking a seat next to him. They ate the bounty in silence for a few minutes before Dana spoke, "If we cannot find your friend in the next 6 hrs then we have to go back and this time we cannot return. We'll be fortunate if we don't run into a patrol. With vampires near, they'll be sending more guards this way. I am a rogue and can be killed on sight. You, unfortunately, would be a very tasty dinner."

Dustin slowly nodded his head. Part of him had already accepted that his best friend was dead but he still held onto the hope that she was alive. He always thought that if someone he was close to died then he'd feel it more keenly. Unfortunately he felt as though he were in limbo. Nina was gone but he didn't know that for sure she was dead. He hoped that she had been able to make a den like he had last night and that they would come across her. Or if she hadn't made that they would come across her body. Anything to give him closure so that he could move forward.

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