Chapter 3 (Mature Content)

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Huge "thank you" to dopaminemagic for being the first to comment and vote! Love ya chickas... by the way still waiting for the rest of "Luna Desire" to be complete. It was an awesome story!


Please note that there is assault in this chapter and I will put "********" as a warning before/after.

The Dark Forest...

Nina sat helplessly in a cage as she watched her shirtless captor cook in the cold dark kitchen. He had tossed her his shirt after had woken up in a bed after a short nap. Panicked, she tried to escape and vase at him. He growled fiercely and carried her to this cage big enough to hold a cow. Though clean, she could smell old blood as if this cage was used to hold an animal before it was slaughtered. Her stomach growled as she watched him cut up a few carrots. She watched his muscles ripple as he moved with the elegant grace of a predator. It was both fascinating and terrifying.

He was much taller than any Wererabbit male and his dark appearance was so different from the more fair complexions she was used to. Dustin had been the tallest she knew, this man stood at least four inches taller than her best friend. She at 4'11" felt like a child in comparison to this big bad wolf. Shock made her unable to emotionally comprehend the situation. She thought vaguely that she should be crying or wailing since he was probably preparing to cook her. Instead she hugged her knees and stared at the wolf's head tattoo on his bare shoulder.

Lost in thought the grind of a gear startled her as the cage door opened. She immediately scrambled back as far as she could go.

"Get out." the wolf's rough voice commanded.

Swallowing hard Nina tried to decide if staying in the cage would be safer than trying to make a run for it. Shifting instantly into her tiny white bunny she made a dash for the open door. The man caught her by her scruff again and she struggled to get loose. To her embarrassment, she peed on his hand in fright.

"Damn it!" he cussed. "Shift back now!" he growled while shaking her.

Quivering with fear she couldn't calm down enough to shift back. Angry, he threw the little bunny back into the cage, bruising her hind leg, and slammed the door. She scrambled to hide under the bed. Wire mesh over the bars ensured that she would be unable to escape in rabbit form despite her being one of the smallest. Most shifter kinds could manipulate their sizes in animal form. Wererabbits could be as big as their human side or be the size of a regular wild rabbit.

"Fine! Have it your way!" he growled again.

He sat at the small kitchen table, after washing his hands, and ate the stew he made. Nina's tiny belly rumbled in hunger but she ignored it. Curling up in a small ball in the corner of her cage under a bench, she fell into an exhausted sleep.


Nina woke up dazed and confused. It was morning and she looked around the strange cubicle before her memories caught up driving away the last vestige of sleep. Still in rabbit form she anxiously ran around the perimeter of the confined space with a slight limp from the beast's rough handling. Seeing no escape or immediate threats, her rabbit eventually calmed down. That is when she noticed two small white bowls in the middle of her prison. Hopping closer she cautiously peered in. One bowl held water while the other contained sliced carrots.

Hungry and weary, despite her nap, she plopped down on her hunches and grabbed one of the pieces with her tiny paws. Consuming most of the delicious fresh carrots, she turned her attention to the water. Drinking her fill she suddenly realized that a pair of silvery eyes were watching her. Self conscious and frightened by being in a vulnerable open position she quickly hopped back to the bench and hid underneath.

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