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Buck - Male rabbit

Doe - Female rabbit

Kitten - Baby rabbit


It was long ago that the High Council declared that wolves were not allowed to hunt on Rabbit Lands. Outraged at first the wolves found a loophole. With a smirk the Alpha King of the Werewolves bought up all the land surrounding Rabbit Lands. While the wolves could not hunt they devised ways of making the rabbits run into Pack Lands where they became fair game. Of all prey all the werewolves agreed, rabbits were the tastiest.

Needing a loophole of their own, the rabbits petitioned the High Council to place their land next to neutral territory. The High Council granted the request and made land next to Rabbit Lands neutral thus allowing wererabbits to leave their territory without harassment. They also made it illegal for a wolf to cross into Rabbit Lands without permission.

Time marched on and things became more civil between the hostile predators and their quivering prey. Hunting wererabbits was no longer a necessity given that meat was readily available in grocery stores. This did not mean that the two groups were on friendly terms by any means. The rabbits kept to themselves not provoking a confrontation and accepting the bullying thrown their way.

The leader of the wererabbits was a kind and humble man as most rabbits were. He was called Zan and his doe or mate, Zandra had 16 young bucks. But more than anything Zandra longed for a baby girl. She awoke one bright morning and suddenly rushed to the bathroom. Experience told her that she was expecting once more and she prayed to the Creator that this time her kitten would be a little doe.

Meanwhile a private war broke out between witches and werewolves over an insult the Alpha King dealt to a noble sorceress. King Lenard declared that Werewolves were the superior beings over all others. The witch cursed all of the werewolf kind to not be able to have more pups until they learned humility and the meaning of true love. With a wave of her hand towards the pregnant belly of the Luna Queen, the witch said.

You are cursed to be a blessing.

A beauty will awaken your troubled heart from resting.

Learn to love that which is humble and sweet.

Then this curse will retreat.

One selfless act

Will leave love intact...


The prince was the youngest and most handsome of all werewolves. The saying that beauty is only skin deep applies so appropriately to this dark soul. After the Alpha King and his Queen were cursed by a noble sorceress, no other pups were born or conceived. Tensions were high. The mated couples longed for pups but were denied. So much death followed the future king's birth. The only reason that the current Alpha King remained in his precarious position was the promise that the curse would be lifted by his son.

On his 15th birthday, when most wolves found their mate, every female old and young was brought to the place to present themselves to the prince. The young prince would use and discard the young maidens at whim whether it be by charm or force. Soon fathers were reluctant to send their daughters to the Alpha King's forest home.

The beastly behavior of the prince threw all werewolf kind into despair as they realized that their species might be on the brink of extinction. The prince was soon having to deal with assassins and challengers. He became vicious and cruel. His mere gaze inspired fear and his temper was an inferno. He slaughtered without regard. Even his best friend since birth met a gruesome fate after disagreeing over a simple game of cards.

Realizing that their son was a monster and that everyone was in danger. The now humbled king and queen had an enchanted silver fence built around a small palace in the Dark Forest and banished their son to live in solitude.


So that was a little background. In case I haven't given a fair amount of warning. This book will be fairly fast pace and will probably have smut in most chapters ;) Unfortunately the editing will have to be done later. Please point out mistakes. Enjoy!

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