Chapter 7 (Mature Content)

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WARNING: Assault Scene Ahead... proceed with caution.


Wolf Lands Castle...

"The vampires have been encroaching further into our lands. Each day there are more and more attacks." The councilman fell silent a moment before adding the dreaded fact. "Our numbers are decreasing."

The king stood abruptly. "The court is dismissed." his voice boomed out before his departure.


The darkness reached even the brightest spot in the room. The oppressive weight of confinement refused the occupant even the most minuscule amount of relief or fresh air. The slightest draft stirred the thin robe of the solitary figure in the barred cell as the heavy door to the tomb like prison was open.

The king walked down the stone steps to the lower level. He stood locked in a staring contest with the lone woman. Unable to cower her with his glare, the king turned away.

"Within the next year or two, werewolves will be extinct. Congratulations you fucking won." he growled.

The noble witch tilted her head and stared at the troubled king. "Life is about balance, your majesty." she said calmly, "You and your kind were upsetting the balance with your arrogance. If I had not stepped in then indeed werewolves would be extinct in a year or two."

"We were fine!" he roared.

"Wolves are aggressive by nature but there are others that are the same. A struggle for territory, rights, and power would have destroyed everyone. The peaceful groups would have been the first to go."

The king snorted, "Those groups are nothing but weak spineless trash that deserve nothing more than to be burned like the garbage they are."

"They are not garbage. It is the meek that inherit the earth. For it is the meek that maintain it. Have you learned nothing?" she asked and the king flinched at the old memories that began to surface.

Quickly shoving away his torment, he yelled, "Lift this curse witch! OR I will torture you until my last breath!"

"This curse contains the solution. I cannot change it."

"HE will never love." the king said sadly. "HE is a monster."

The witch shrugged, "You raised him not I."

Growling, the king left the dungeon.


16 years earlier...

The nursemaid was brutally beaten by the king's guards. Her crime? Daring to disrespect the king by pointing out his neglect of his only son. The king declared that she was to be banished and made into a rogue despite her years of faithful service and that she had been like a mother to the crown prince.

"No father please! Don't send Angie away." the six year old pleaded tugging on the older male's coat.

A swift backhand sent the small body flying. The king growled at his son. "She is nothing. She means nothing. She is an Omega. Powerless. Useless. Weak."

9 years later...

The king paced anxiously for the last 6 months, since his son had turned 15, unmated females from all the noble families have been brought to the palace. Not one has been found to be the young prince's mate. More than one young woman ran away with tears in their eyes. They cried that the prince had assaulted them but they were quickly hushed.

The king snorted. Just attention seekers, he told himself but unease whispered crossed his mind.

"Lenard!" a deep voice called.

A grin broke across the king's face when he heard the familiar voice of his best friend since childhood.

"You're back! How was the Caribbean?"


"It must have been you've been gone for almost a year." The king said observing his friend's deep tan.

"You should go. You look like hell."

The king looked noticeably tired and stressed, a wry smile played on his lips, "As soon as Conri finds his mate, all will be well."

Gerald nodded solemnly sympathizing with his friend. A lot of pressure was riding on the young prince to find his mate. A bright thought occurred to him, "My daughter, Madison, hasn't found her mate as of yet. Perhaps the Creator has preordained their union?"

The king suddenly felt lighter than he had in a long time. This could be it. This could be the answer. It would make sense. His friendship with Gerald was already established. They were as close as brothers. Perhaps Gerald's daughter was his son's mate.

"I hope you're right. Send her over tomorrow morning." The king ordered.


The king awoke early the next morning in excellent spirits. Everything would be fine, he just knew it. The butler knocked on his office door.

"Yes, Kiln?"

"Your Majesty, Ms. Greenwood has arrived, sir."

"Excellent! Show her to Conri's chambers immediately."

"Yes, sir."

The king quickly rushed through the last of his papers. Finally finished, he left his study and walked toward the north wing where his son stayed. His heart held hope and excitement. He last saw Maddison 4 years earlier for her 13th birthday. She was a lovely girl. Just two years older than the prince.

The sight that greeted the king dashed his hopes immediately. The pretty girl that had always called him uncle was crying and pleading for the young prince to stop as he brutally fucked her from behind. Her face was bloody and bruised.

The king rushed forward wrenching his son away. Blood poured down her thighs from her assault and she hurriedly limped off clutching the torn remnants of her dress.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" the king roared. "How could you do that to her?!"

The young prince smirked with cold eyes that chilled the man's soul. "She is nothing. She means nothing. Powerless. Useless. Weak."

Those words haunted the king for he recognized them as his own. Escaping the scene of his best friend's daughter's rape, he called for Gerald to be summoned. The man who had once been like a brother now stood quivering with barely suppressed rage and hate. No forgiveness was to be had. No amends were made.

The first attempts on the young prince's life came less than a week later. By the end of the week, the king executed his best friend and the entire Greenwood clan. Other families followed suit and soon the number of days with assassination attempts far outweighed any peaceful ones.

The prince became the worst sort of monster. Without compassion or conscience.


Present... The Dark Forest...

The prince was unable to sleep so he sat on the window sill enjoying the light midnight breeze. Conri stared at the small sleeping form in his bed. The moonlight made the girl's golden hair shimmer. Her angelic face was half hidden in the large pillow. Thick dark eyelashes fanned over a smooth pale cheek. She was beautiful.

All these feelings were new to him. This little bunny, that wasn't even his mate, stirred something unfamiliar and when he was with her he didn't feel like a monster. He felt at peace.

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