Hi guys c: Lets aim for 200 votes and 200 comments before the next chapter, shall we?
I know I always say this and it's real cheesy, BUT your support will always give me the inspiration to keep writing. I love you all.
Dedicated to @teenagetearss, your comments slay me every time.
Key note: I want to change the book title to Teddy Bear Troubles, what do you guys think?
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6. We All Look Like Eggs from a Giant Easter Basket
"Jace-" I breathe, gulping for air and staring straight into his exquisite eyes. I lift my arms and try to push him back. "Jace, we can't do this."
"Why the hell not," he murmurs, hands around my face, unfazed. "I'm a good kisser."
How does one lose all common sense in a blink of an eye? All I can focus on is Jace's subtle cologne, his silky hair, and soft hands. Big stormy eyes, growing soft, melting me.
Oh my god. I'm actually going to melt into the floor. He'll have to move to a new place because I'll be glued onto the floor. Or worse... he'll put a rug over my melted body.
Son of a gun.
"Lace?" Jace asks, inches away from my lips, demanding attention.
I look back at him, eyes wide. He leans in a little more and-
"Lacy!" Faye's voice comes closer from the outside. Oh my god, she's coming in.
"Yeah!" I scream back, scrambling to get on my feet. I elbow Jace by the stomach, effectively pushing him away. Thank the Lord for Faye.
Jace pushes his hair back awkwardly while Faye charges in. I bite my lip nervously, wondering if she can tell what just happened by my heated face.
"Guess what?" She screams, jumping up and down. Without a reply, she tells us: "I got Dante Allaire to agree to sign to your company if they put you on the job!"
"The Dante Allaire?" I squeal, all previous kissing problems forgotten. "He's one of the top rising dancers. How did you do that? Oh my gosh!"
I hear Jace snort and turn to face him. "What?" I roll my eyes. "Did you sleep with him too?"
"He wishes," Jace smirks boyishly.
"You're despicable," I snort and turn my back on him to face Faye. "So I finally have my own client? My very first?"
"Yes" she gushes, "you know what that means-"
"Respect, motherfucker."
* * *
It took me a full hour but I did it.
Red lips. Long, flowy and creamy Grecian dress. Perfectly tousled and curled hair in a milkmaid' braid. Golden pumps and my mother's flashy diamond engagement ring for good luck.
"Lacy, darling," Dante murmurs with a beautiful French accent, embracing me and giving a peck on each cheek. He looks smouldering in a fitted pastel blue suit.
"I can't believe I'm here, at the Daisy Gala," I giggle nervously, playing with my dress. "Perks of being Dante Allaire's manager, I guess."
The Daisy Gala is one of the most prestigious fashion event for the best dressed celebs, stylists, designers, etc. The dress code is pastel, to celebrate spring.
I bet we all look like eggs from a giant Easter basket from a helicopter's view.
"Ma chère, you look stunning." Dante grins at me, and fixes his tie. "I would rather have no one if not you."
"Careful Dante," I tease jokingly, heart beating as fast as drum, "I don't want to start falling in love with you."
What am I doing? Am I flirting with him?
"Ma belle fille, that would be my dream." He offers his arm for me to hold. Biting my lip, we walk towards the other celebrities and crowd. When I see Ariana, I unconsciously start walking towards her. She's came today, representing her own client and Ronda.
"Dante," she purrs, kissing his cheek. "Oh how are you, my love? I can't believe you finally signed in with our company."
"I am so much better now that I have Lacy helping me out." Dante answers perfectly, tossing me a swoon worthy grin.
"Oh, but Dante, you know I would love to be your manager." She pouts, hand still on his shoulder, making lazy circles. I smile politely at her and look away from their exchange.
I still don't know how to feel about that crazy chick.
I know Jace is supposed to be here because he was boosting to Dan about the hot chicks he could score here tonight. But somehow, I don't see him at all.
But then I do.
He has a light purple suit, which surprisingly fits him.
My favorite color.
He's smirking and his eyes are glinting playfully. But he's not looking at me.
There's a beautiful, tall girl in front of him. Shes wearing a long soft emerald dress and her strikingly red hair is swooped up into a perfect bun. She's not particularly sexy, but she is beautiful in a childhood sweetheart kind of way.
Now he's laughing and his hand is sliding lower down her back. She giggles and slaps his hand away. His eyes light up and smiles genuinely at her. They're looking at each other like long lost lovers. And then all of the sudden, they're kissing. It's not a starving one, but a loving and passionate slow kiss.
I can't peel my eyes away from him. From her.
Why isn't he treating her like some girl he'd sleep with just once?
Who is she? What is their history? What about us? I mean we nearly fucking kissed yesterday morning. Was it just a spur of the moment thing or does he like me-ish? Would he be kissing her if he kissed me yesterday? Would he have kissed me lovingly or passionately? Would we be at this gala together if he did?
Would he have treated me like just another one night stand?
I almost let that bastard take away my first kiss.
"Lacy, ma chérie, would you like some champagne? I heard it is from Versailles, yes?" Dante asks me, making me dizzy with his lovely accent. His dimples are flashing at me and his outstretched hand seems so inviting.
Dante. Not Jace.
Dante is offering me champagne, flirting with me, choosing me, not someone else. Jace is kissing someone special, laughing with someone special, teasing someone special, not me.
"Yes, Dante, that would be perfect."
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How did I do? Did I meet your standards? Do you like it? I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever, do you hate me for that? What are your thoughts? Comments? Votes? Hopes? THOUGHTS ON TITLE CHANGE TO TEDDY BEAR TROUBLES??
I hope you guys really do like it though. I'm sorry for the long wait. But hey! Exams are over, but it's physics summer school and math correspondence for me :c
I'll be graduating high school next year. Who else is class of 2k16!?

Teddy Bear Troubles
Teen Fiction"Lacy Wells, you will never speak of this bear ever again." Jace glares at me, eyes flashing from dark to darker. "And what if I do?" I take a step closer to him. It's just a tiny one, but it's still a step. "Well, that's for me to know and you to...