Hi hello my friendliest friends c: I promised that I would start uploading again, so here it is! But be afriad to PM me or send me things, I love interacting with you guys. OH AND I STILL NEED AN EDITOR. And of course, thank you for supporting TBBTB.
Dedicated to paisanos bc girl your comments kill me.
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3. You Better Become A Stripper
"Okay, I know this is a cliche question, but does this make me look fat?" I bite my lip, putting my hands on my waist.
"I think the yellow one looks better on you."
"I'm pretty sure the only reason why you like that one is because of the plunging neckline." I hold the hanger up to my chest again, tilting my head. "I want to manage celebrities, not seduce them."
"What girl doesn't want a sugar daddy, sweet Lacy? Let alone a famous one. Other than me of course." Jace smirks, checking his hair in my mirror.
I scowl at him and bump him out of my way with my hip. Spinning again in front of the mirror, I analyze my choice. Fitting, but not too tight, black pencil skirt, a silky white blouse, with matching bright red heels and lips. If that doesn't scream a "I know what I'm doing" look, then I don't know what does.
Well, in my closet at least.
"Would you calm down? Stop pacing before you start sweating right through that blouse and you'll have to wear the stripper yellow one." Jace rolls his eyes. "Look at me, does it look like I spent an hour trying to find something to wear?"
"Hah, you finally admit its slutty," I mutter, tilting my head up. He's right. It looks as if he just rolled out of bed with sexy, disheveled hair, a tight gray tshirt to show his lean mucle and perfectly accentuating jeans.
"Fake it until you make it, babe." he winks.
"Easy for you to say," I murmur, slipping on a rose gold watch from Faye.
"Trust me, Lacy, you might be a pretty boring and annoying girl, with an awkward but loud personality, and too innocent for your own good, not to mention that-"
"Your point, Castillo?"
He blows a breath and rolls his eyes, "The point is, I think you're not too shabby looking. Just a little above average."
"Gee thanks, I love being a little above average." I grab my purse and new keys to the house and smack my head in realization, "Shit, I'll be late if I take the bus or taxi right now. I forgot Dan has work and can't drive me around anymore. Dammit, how could I be late on the first day."
"Well, today is your lucky day, Wells." Jace said, spinning his keys around a finger, "let me take you on a magic carpet ride."
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"Holy fucking hell. I still can't get over this."
Jace laughs at me while drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
"Who the fuck needs a girlfriend when you got this sweet ride." I delicately trace my fingers on the interior of his Bugatti Grand Sport. "I think I would need to sell my soul to the devil at least thirteen times to afford this."
"Ah, the symbolism of thirteen. What a great number choice considering-"
"You sound like my LA teacher," I interrupt him, laughing. Does he really think like this? "There was no purpose in thirteen, I chose it because it was the first number that popped into my head. More than ten, but less than twenty."

Teddy Bear Troubles
Teen Fiction"Lacy Wells, you will never speak of this bear ever again." Jace glares at me, eyes flashing from dark to darker. "And what if I do?" I take a step closer to him. It's just a tiny one, but it's still a step. "Well, that's for me to know and you to...