Cover by IsaSecret, thank you! xx
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HI GUYS, I'VE REALIZED THAT I'VE BEEN TERRIBLE TO ALL OF YOU. MY FANS AND FRIENDS. I'M SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE UPDATED. If you want me to continue TBBTB, please comment or pm me and help me with my decision. Thank you so much for all your love and support and I hope you're all doing well c:
1. Are You Sure My New Roommate Is Gay?
"Missy, we're officially going to be living in New York!" I squeal to my teddy bear for the third time again. I'm going to move into my new apartment today and the excitement just hasn't sunk in.
I know what you're thinking. A twenty year-old girl is going to be living in New York, alone. With a stranger she has never seen in her life, alone. Oh, and let's not forget that she will be starting a new job managing famous celebrities with only two friends by her side. Which basically means: alone.
Let me ensure you that I am very mature for my age, except for Missy, who I can't seem to throw away. Also, my friend, Dan, assured me that my new roommate, Jace, who is his best friend, is very, very much gay. Life is going to be fab.
Don't try telling me that you never wanted a fantastic gay best friend.
So here I am, finally checking out of the hotel I've been living in for two months.
"Nice to see you're finally leaving, Miss," the blond hair, tight faced front desk lady smirks at me. Okay, so maybe living in the same hotel for two months makes people think badly of you in a certain way.
But still, that was rude.
"Also nice to know that your manager won't be too happy when he sees my review on the hotel with concerns to your name next to it, right... Jenna?"I flash a fake smile. Pushing my way out of the glass doors, I feel extremely confident and smug about myself right now.
That is, until I trip on my heels.
Way to make a dramatic exit, Lacy. Four for you, front desk lady! You go, desk lady! And none for Lacy Wells, bye.
Frick, and I definitely can't pick up a cab during rush hour. The Lord is testing your skills, Lacy.
Stay strong, stay strong. I repeat in my head.
"Excuse me!" I call, waving my arms frantically in a very non-attractive way. Either that taxi driver is blind or he hates me. Considering he's driving a car, I'll go with the latter. I groan angrily and drop my arms.
When I see him slowing down, I'm about to scream of joy, until I realize he's not stopping for me, but for the curvaceous red head a few meters behind me. She smiles sweetly at me and gets in the cab, making me choke on the cab's car fumes.
"He's probably a pervert ready to drop you off in an alley and rape you anyways!" I scream while they cruise away, also scaring a very cute elderly couple.
Great, I have no ride to my new home and now I'm on the wanted list for giving senior citizens heart attacks. The front desk lady is probably laughing her ass off at me right now.
"Exactly, so why don't you get into my car instead?" A familiar voice laughs.
"Oh my gosh, Danny boy!" I scream and jump up slightly while Dan uncomfortably flinches. "You're my hero! I love you forever and ever until death does us part." Happily, I jump into the backseat, pulling my luggage in with me.
"If you call me that one more time, you'll be walking in the streets of the Big Apple, alone." Well there goes the word again. "Remember, it's Dan, the new sophisticated, twenty year old man."

Teddy Bear Troubles
Teen Fiction"Lacy Wells, you will never speak of this bear ever again." Jace glares at me, eyes flashing from dark to darker. "And what if I do?" I take a step closer to him. It's just a tiny one, but it's still a step. "Well, that's for me to know and you to...