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I hope you enjoyed the first chapter I know it was extremely long. This chapter will be as well! Any feedback would be appreciated 

After grabbing her bagel Merida headed back to work walking up the stairs to the canteen but getting called into the personnel office on the way past, stood in the office Mary types something on her computer before ushering you to take a seat at the other end of her desk. Sitting down worry washes over you as you never usually have anything to talk to Mary about other than extra uniform she pushes her glasses onto the top of her head. "Merida, this morning you helped a customer regarding a £100 note. We had some feedback from the customers personal assistant..." Mary sighs as she looks across the table making eye contact as she speaks. "The customer in question has a reputation and is in Edinburgh for business, Their assistant requested that you meet them after work for a business dinner. If you attend, we as a business are asking if you could put in a good word about our company in hopes that he would invest in the supermarket trade". Frowning her brows Merida realized that with all the formal talk that Mary was spitting at her in a nut shell Bucky wanted to meet for dinner and Mary wanted me to hype up the supermarket hoping I could get him to invest. Mary slides an envelope across the table with Merida's name scribbled on it.

After ending the conversation with Mary, Merida headed into the conference room and opened the letter, scribbled on the paper was an address followed by a phone number

14 George St, New Town, Edinburgh EH2 2PF

Thinking for a moment Merida tried to think of where the address was, then it dawned on her it was a traditional restaurant. After punching the digits into her mobile Merida waited as the phone rang a couple of times before someone on the other line picks up. "Ello?". It was him, Bucky answered the phone on the other side. "Ello, Bucky Barnes speaking". Breath getting caught in her chest Merida cleared her throat. "H-Hi, erm. It's Merida, Mary gave me the envelope that was left for me. Erm about later, I can attend. What time suits best?". Merida could hear Bucky smiling on the other line. "6pm the reservation is for, I'll have someone pick you up. text me your home address. See you tonight Mer." After Bucky hung up you couldn't help but smile to yourself, were you going on a date with a Multi-Billionaire?

After finishing work Merida rushed home and got washed after a long day, She padded into her room and turned on the curling iron whilst waiting on them to heat up she brushed her long brown hair unknotting any tangles. The beeping from the curlers letting her know they were ready caught her attention. After doing her hair she rummages through her wardrobe trying to find something appropriate to wear to dinner with Bucky. Merida came across a red skin tight dress that stopped just before her knees.

Merida turned on the radio whilst she applied her make up. A chime from her phone sounded from across the room. Merida unlocked it and seen a text message left by an unsaved number.

'I still need your address for my driver to pick you up shortly doll. Bucky'

Typing the address back to Bucky you swiftly checked he time, 5.45pm.

After pulling on the red dress that was sat out Merida grabbed a pair of her black heels and slipped them on. Shoveling some things in her bag and switching off the radio Merida looked in the mirror to straighten up her dress and make sure her appearance was up to standard for Bucky. Getting caught in her own thoughts whilst looking in the mirror Merida had to remind herself that she was going to a business dinner and not on a date with him.

Bang on 6pm the black Range Rover from earlier pulls up outside the building. Merida carefully made her way down the stairs where a driver was stood in a three pieced suit holding the door open.

"Miss Hill, I'm Tom. I'll be escorting you to your dinner."

Merida smiled and shook Tom's hand before climbing into the back of the large car.

The journey towards the restaurant was peaceful, no words were exchanged between Merida or Tom they both enjoyed the hum of the radio.

After a short journey the car stopped outside The Dome restaurant where Bucky was stood waiting on Merida or 'Mer' as he called her. Tom opened the door and Bucky watched as two black heels appeared on the side of the pavement following up from the heels with his eyes Bucky's eyes slid over the slim legs and up over the red dress. His eyes following every curve in her body until he locks his eyes with Mer. A smile spread on his face as he sees that she put a bit more make up on than earlier and curled her long locks.

Bucky struts down the stairs and holds his hand out for Mer to take it, which she jumped at the chance to do.

"Hungry?" Bucky looks down at Mer as she nods back looking up at him, He had changed into a dark blue suit, his shirt was buttoned down to expose a couple of stray hairs on his chest.

Mer found herself staring into Bucky's eyes and he was staring back, The sound from the street went silent in both their ears. They were lost in each others eyes until a bright flash made Mer jump and come back to reality.

A crowd of paparazzi swarmed Bucky and Mer, Bucky's security guard stood between him and the photographers who's flashes were blinding. Bucky wrapped his arm around Mer's waist as he ushered her up the stairs and into the restaurant. A couple of waiters were awaiting the arrival of Bucky and Mer, a young waiter showed them into a large room surrounded by empty seats, Mer gave Bucky a confused look as she realized nobody was dining out this evening.

"Where is all the customers?" Mer spoke. "I booked the place out for the evening. Just me and you Doll. You see, The vultures outside seem to follow me everywhere. Even when I'm having dinners or meetings there always seems to be someone who recognizes me and photo's always surface on the internet. I wanted our night to be special. Staring up at the tall frame holding her against his side his arm still wrapped round her waist Mer smiles at the single table set in the center of the room, two plates, a bottle of champagne and a large box in the shape of a love heart with countless amount of roses stuffed in it.

Both Mer and Bucky strutted towards the table, Bucky being a gentleman and pulled the seat out for Mer to sit down. "Champagne Doll?" He beamed down at the blue eyes staring back, he couldn't help but smile.

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