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Hi guys! This is the first time I've tried writing anything like this! Here's an introduction -

Merida is a 22 year old Checkout Team Leader working in a Supermarket in the middle of Edinburgh, She found herself moving from Glasgow to study in the capital city. When on her lunch break she bumps into someone her life changed for the better...




The sound of the regular 5am alarm awakes Merida from her sleep as she rubs her eyes reaching over to turn the bed side lamp on letting light spill into her dark bedroom, it was a cold Monday morning in November stepping out the warm comfort of the teddy bear covered bed plodding into the bathroom of her overpriced one bedroom flat she turns on the shower and stands under the burning hot water washing away the sleep from the night before. Quickly scrubbing her body she hops out the shower wiping the wetness from the mirror to see her reflection looking back. Grabbing the toothbrush from the side of the sink she brushes her teeth followed by rinsing with mouth wash. Merida dries her body with the towel wrapped around her , rolls on some deodorant and pulls on her works uniform swiftly reaching for her phone to check the time - 5.15am.

After putting a little bit of foundation over her face, combing her eyebrows and lifting the mascara to her lids to apply a small amount on her eyes she headed for the kitchen and flicked on the kettle whilst waiting on the water to boil shoving two slices of whole meal bread in the toaster. Grabbing her favorite coffee mug from the dishwasher rinsing it out and scooping coffee into the cup along with a dash of milk her phone vibrates in her pocket.

Pulling it out to see a notification from the news app - 'Multi-billionaire James Buchanan Barnes arrives in Edinburgh following his meeting's with multiple companies during his two day stay in Scottish Capital'

Scrunching her face she wonders where she's seen his name, it was in the local newspaper at work a couple of days ago, something to do with signing some new deals as his American company was branching out overseas. She daydreams wondering how much money someone like him could have, he certainly must live in a palace with a pool and endless expensive cars in the drive way. The steam from the kettle snaps her out of her daydream and she grabs the kettle pouring the scolding water into her cup and fixing her toast.

After her quick breakfast Merida grab's her lunch bag and coat before locking up the flat and heading towards the tram stop about a five minute walk from the flat. The cold wind sends a shiver down her spine as the tram approaches blowing a cold wind as it comes to a stop, Merida climbs into one of the cabs and takes a seat, at this time in the morning there was only a couple of people spread out between all seven cabs that made up the tram, after a short ten minute journey the next stop was the city center, Merida stood up holding onto the hand rail waiting for the tram to stop and the doors to open. Bang on 6am Merida strolls into the supermarket making her way upstairs to hang her coat and placing her lunch bag in her locker she makes her way to the wipe in machine swiping her card and heading towards the store managers office to collect the shutter keys to open the store for the day.

Around mid day Gemma who works on the self scanners approached. "Sorry to bother you Merida I know you're doing paperwork but I've got a customer at the self scanners, an American guy who has a £100 note, could you come and check if the note is genuine or not before I swap it out for smaller notes to put in the machine" nodding in response "which customer is it?". Gemma scanned the self scanners to find the customer who was stood with another man both them in black suits that were rather expensive looking . Gemma led Merida over to the two men patiently waiting for their note to be checked, she walked off to helping some of the other customers waiting for her attention as you approached. "Hi I'm Merida one of the team leaders, I understand you have £100 note that needs to be changed, could I have the note just to double check authenticity before changing it into smaller notes to accommodate the machine". The tall man holding the note looked down at Merida before softly smiling and handing her the money. Merida took out her pen and wiped across the paper money before strolling away and opening a till reaching in to change the notes, Merida glanced over looking at the tall dark handsome man who had a little bit of brown stubble covering his cheeks, his brown hair was short with the front curled into a quiff ,the smell of expensive leather still hovering. Merida's wandering from top to bottom she could see there was a muscular figure under the woolen trench coat keeping him warm in the cold climate. Merida closed the till and handed over the notes, the man takes the money from her and flashes a smile of his perfect white teeth followed by a thick New York accent thanking her for her help.

Merida headed back to her paper work as a couple of the shop floor staff stood whispering. Shortly after Merida took her break heading out of the supermarket strolling towards her favorite bagel shop head in her phone reading work emails as she walks down the busy street. As she gets towards the end of the email she approaches the little bagel shop on the corner and with a thud someone knocks into her almost wiping her clean off her feet. With a yelp and eyes screwed shut Merida was expecting to his the ground any second but she then realized she was caught by strong hands on her waist, opening her eyes she sees big blue eyes staring back at her. It was him. The American guy from work.

Clearing her throat she stares back up at him taking in the strong scent he was radiating. "T-Thank you..." Merida began and was cut off by a flash of the perfect white teeth again. "Twice in one day, what a pleasure" the man began. "Bucky Barnes" he helped you to your feet and extending his hand out to which you shook. "I'm Merida...".

"Merida that's a great name, Scottish right?" he questioned whilst a couple of people walked past glaring at the both of them whilst they shared an exchange. Merida blushed after realizing that the man stood before her was the man that she had seen on the news app this morning.

The larger man stood behind Bucky whispered something in his ear following a nod from the multi-billionaire. "I have to head off now, it was lovely to meet you Merida, have a good day" and with that he let go of her waist and strutted towards a black Range Rover with all black tinted windows which had pulled up at the side of the road, Bucky climbed in looking back at Merida once more before the driver pulled away.

Merida stood in shock as to what had just happened bumping into a multi-billionaire on the cold streets of Edinburgh.

What were the chances...

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