Recalling the past

Start from the beginning

Kori's laugh had us both looking back at her. "You two are weird...but funny." Roy grinned then. Like he'd been given the best compliment ever.

Rolling my eyes, I just chuckled. "Well, we try." She laughed again. I had a feeling then that the three of us would be doing a lot together.

Kori seemed pretty cool though, someone who had a lot of ideas that could get us into trouble. I grinned at the thought.

Now if I could just get Roy not to look like a broken robot, maybe we could really hang out and enjoy her company.

I knew the partnership between our parents was very important for papàs company, so a friendship between us was obviously important too.

Maybe though, as I thought it over, a female act to mine and Roy's 'dynamic duo' as papà called us, wouldn't be so bad.

Maybe it would even be fun.


Roy's POV 14yrs old.
(Jason 13)

Jason grabbed my shoulders squarely, shaking me slightly to get my attention. "Roy, kiss me!"

I blinked. Then blinked again just staring at him. "W-what?" I was so confused, raising my eyebrows as my eyes got wide.

Jason huffed and moved a hand to my cheek, his other to my waist. "Kiss me. I have to know." I tried to take a step back, but he stopped me, pulling me closer, flush against his chest.

I swallowed, just staring into his determined eyes. "J-Jason?" His face moved closer to mine and my breath hitched. My heart pounded, dropping into my stomach. "Please, Roy...I gotta know."

Know what? If he liked me? If I was a good kisser? What the hell did he need to know?

I moved a hand to his chest, trying to pause the moment to gain my bearings, the wheels in my heard turing so fast I half expected smoke to be coming out of my ears. "Know what?"

My voice was raspy and nervous and I knew Jason had caught that.

"I just...I need to know what it's like to kiss you." My eyes widened and my mouth gaped open. I searched his eyes apprehensively, raising a suprised eyebrow as I attempted to figure him out.

He seemed so needy of this. Of me. As far as I knew, he didnt think of me that way. Maybe this was his way to prove he didn't. If he didn't like the kiss...maybe it would settle some debate in his head.

I sighed then nodded, moving my other hand up onto his cheek.

This position was nothing new. We'd hold each other's gazes all the time in a silent mind reading game. We did it when the other felt anxious about something or even scared. We did it to let each other know we were here.

His lips moving closer to mine however, that was new. It was exhilarating though. Whether it was in a good or bad way, I wasn't sure yet. But inevitably, I was about to find out.

When his lips touched mine, I could immediately taste the cream on his lips from the Italian soda we had shared earlier. It was strawberry. Both our favorite flavor.

My mind buzzed, spinning in so many directions as I pushed forward, deepening the kiss.

Jason seemed slightly stunned at my immediate reaction, but moved his lips eagerly with mine, licking and sucking on them while grabbing at my hair.

I was the first to let out a moan. I hadn't meant to and could feel my cheeks burn against Jason's cool hand.

In response, Jason just grinned against my lips then kissed me hard. Bruisingly hard.

I took carful steps backwards as he walked forward, till I was flush against the wall behind me.

Bringing my hands to his shirt, I pulled him flush against my front, holding onto him tightly. He moaned then, making me grin.

When he finally pulled away, I felt dizzy, panting heavily. Saliva still connected our mouths and he darted his tongue out across his bottom lip, breaking the string.

When he thumbed it off my lip, I sighed out, our eyes still glued to each other.

His cheeks were just as red as mine and I brought my hand up, lightly gracing over his skin with my fingers. He hissed slightly at first from the sudden cold, then leaned into my touch, sighing contently.

Once we caught our breath, he pulled his arms away, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I was worried he had regretted it, till I saw a small smile ghosting his lips. My own smile stretched across my face and I just leaned back against the wall.

"So?" I drew out the word slowly and chuckled. "That was-" Jason chuckled and nodded. "Yeah." We both laughed and he grabbed my hand like he always did, pulling me into the library.

We were brothers. Best friends. I loved him dearly and would give my life for him. I knew he'd do the same for me. The kiss didn't change that dynamic, except that we now knew the other was hella good at kissing.

I thumbed over my swollen lips and grinned.

Damn good.

I knew whoever he ended up with, would be so happy. Not just because of his kissing skills of course, but that sure did make a difference.

I knew though, as much as I liked the kiss, I still liked girls. Specifically Kori. She was beautiful and amazing in every way. Always there for both me and Jason no matter what.

So while I probably wouldn't say no to kissing Jason again, I still preferred Kori's kisses. She was the one for me.


Willis - Jason's father.

Brave - Roy's father.

Bambino - baby - male.

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