Chapter 3-3: Freedom On A Desert Island

Start from the beginning

"We currently have it narrowed down to nine people. Ryuzaki's method will likely get that number down to two or three." Lelouch said objectively.

"We have it down to nine people? How so?" Kururugi asked.

"Don't you remember when that group turned up here yesterday? Someone there is obviously the leader, since Katsuragi was definitely planning to occupy this spot after seeing it from the island." Light explained.

"But there were ten of them, weren't there? How is it narrowed down to nine?"

"Oh please," Sora rolled his eyes. "Katsuragi was one of them. Do you seriously think that guy would make himself the leader?"

"Uh, well..." Kururugi trailed off.

"Mhm. Katsuragi is far too cautious to even consider such a move. Unfortunately for him, that just makes him that much easier to read." Ryuzaki reasoned smoothly.

"He's predictable because he won't take risks." Shiro summarised.

It was something I hadn't put much thought into before but, now that Sora had said it, I became aware of just how true his words were. Information truly is the deadliest weapon. Just by knowing Katsuragi's personality, we're able to confidently deduce this much about what he'd do.

"Ooh! Isn't this a welcome surprise!" Lelouch laughed as he shifted his gaze over to the woods on my left.

I looked in that direction, and saw two male students wearing wide, smug grins. A strange expression flashed over Shiina's features for a split second, but she quickly rectified it and looked down.

"Oh? Shiina? Looks like you found someone to crawl to after all. Who knew this false class of so-called 'smart people' would accept a lowlife like you?"

Shiina merely kept her head down and didn't give them any reaction. The wisest choice.

"Aren't you guys living the high life?" Sora said mockingly as he swivelled around on his log to face them.

They were stuffing their face with potato chips and drinking bottles of soda. Not water. Soda.

"What did you even eat for breakfast? Grass? Or maybe bugs? Here, you can have some snacks."

They took a bag of potato chips and tossed it near Sora's feet. It was obvious that they were trying to provoke us, but nobody gave them the reaction they were after.

"It's a nice reunion, Komiya-kun and Kondō-kun. Did you come here looking to get beaten by me again?" Light asked sarcastically, garnering a chuckle from Sora and Lelouch.

"Ahh, that's right, you're two of the three idiots that started that fight with Light and then tried to frame our class in that trial! I know who you are now! How wonderful that we finally get to meet!" Lelouch exclaimed in mock enthusiasm.

I saw the two narrow their eyes, probably in slight irritation, but they tried their best not to let it show.

"Don't get all cocky now. We could've easily beaten you up if we actually tried." Komiya sneered at Light.

"How dull. Did Ryūen put you up to this as well?" Ryuzaki sighed in exasperation.

"Well, we do have a message from Ryūen-san—"

"Oh, good, the dogs are here to deliver something from their master after all. They're even adding a 'san' honorific to his name! Haha! How funny." Lelouch laughed in bemusement.

The Class C students had been sent here with the intention of provoking us, apparently, but it appeared that my classmates were quite enjoying the show. The Class C students must be getting quite frustrated by now.

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