I didn't trust her. I couldn't. I was supposed to be hiding but she interested me, I wanted to learn more about this girl. Big mistake I thought to myself as I fought to get out of the cage I had been smuggled into. "Let me out!" I tried to shriek. I realized I was still in animal form and had no way of teleporting elsewhere or transforming back as my 6'4 body wouldn't fit.

"Good work kid." A familiar voice sounded from the front seat of a vehicle, which apparently we were in. It dawned on me I was being carried to the tower as a ridiculous "cat". "Thank you." The Midgardian girl smiled. I quieted a little to hear their conversation.

"That's Loki alright. A cat may be hostile but never that much."

"Can he hear us?" The girl asked somebody.

"Yes, if you didn't know cats have ears Y/N" I almost laughed at that. How stupid could this girl be?

"Oops, I was wondering if it was different for him since he's not technically a cat. It's that way in movies." I heard her voice speak back.

Being in this so called cat form was not comfortable whatsoever. If the oaf saw me like this I would for sure be dead. Not by Odin but by the sheer embarrassment of my failed attempt of hiding. Thor would be reminding me about this event for the rest of my miserable life.


Finally you had arrived back at the tower, Laufey.. or Loki, had finally calmed a bit. The team rode the elevator to a floor which you hadn't seen yet. Tony ushered you all inside the cool room. It was a sound proof area, almost like a panic room. You dropped the cage carefully onto the floor and quickly opened the small cat door. The cat ran out and faced us anxiously. "You've been caught reindeer games." Tony spoke down to the cat, rolling his eyes.

It seemed to grin widely. There was a flash of green sparks, which you presumed as his magic. Standing in place of Laufey was a tall, slim but muscular man. He had bright emerald green eyes, blue outlined his irises. Sharp cheekbones shaped his face. He had long, silky looking raven black hair, it curled slightly by his shoulders. And he seemed to be wearing a dark green tunic and suit leggings and a few pieces of dulled armor. Woah, he was hotter than you thought. But you let that thought escape your mind. There was no way you could think like that.

At this moment Thor burst in, eager to see his mischievous brother. "LOKI!" He boomed, "Hello brother." Loki returned the greeting sarcastically. He was not at all happy. In fact, you almost could feel his anger radiating off of him. He looked around the room, only avoiding you. "I'm sorry brother, but we cannot risk your escape again." Thor announced stepping forwards as he secured a pair of heavy looking metal cuffs, which Nat told you earlier binds a persons magic abilities so they can no longer use them. Loki muttered something before he was grabbed firmly courtesy of Thor and Tony. You, Clint and Nat walked behind the three, as Thor and Stark escorted Loki to the elevator. Apparently they were the only ones who came along. Following the team towards the elevator, you exited into the living room. Thor dragged Loki aside to speak with him. A sense of sympathy flooded over you again, Nat seemed to notice, "He'll be fine." She reassured you dryly as she and Clint went to get some food from the kitchen.

Bruce and Cap reappeared coming from the lab most likely. "I see you finally caught the cat. Well done Y/N" Cap acknowledged you and strode pass. "Good job Y/N, Couldn't have done it without you." Bruce patted you on the back, giving you a compliment with his contagious smile. You could feel Loki's harsh stare set upon you. You quickly made your way to the kitchen, trying to escape his lingering gaze. You could practically feel him rolling his eyes while Thor was scolding him for escaping.

You most certainly weren't going to be going shopping any time soon like Pepper and Nat had promised. You didn't mind though, you still didn't want to spend their money. "I'm retreating to my room, cya guys." You told the team, swiftly backing into the elevator before they could answer the doors were already shut. You wanted to get away from that terrible glare of Loki's.

You didn't like people staring. It annoyed you heavily. Your stomach was finally getting used to all of the elevator rides since you had arrived yesterday. The doors opened and you made your way towards your chambers, ready to watch some Netflix.

You still felt slightly bad about outing Loki so readily. But at least you knew that the cat you thought was your friend was actually a hot homicidal god. "Don't think like that Y/N" You mumbled to yourself again, remembering that Loki was a criminal. Nothing more.


Hours passed as you sat in a warm chair watching Netflix. A blanket covered your lap, it draped over your feet and slumped onto the floor.

"Hey Y/N! Dinner's ready." Pepper said from outside of your door. You had sensed that somebody was there, it was confirmed when she spoke. Your hand automatically grabbed the remote and switched off the television. "Coming!" You called back to Pepper as you folded the blanket you'd been wrapped in. You heard her footsteps walk away. You set down the newly folded cover and exited your bedroom. You caught up with Pep and rode the elevator together.

Following Pepper, her high-heels clacking on the dark marble floors, you made your way to the dining table. Tonight you were eating hotdogs and hamburgers. Thor and Loki were already sat next to each other, "Let me feed you brother! Open wide!" Thor joked holding out a hotdog to Loki's mouth. You fought back a laugh, you hadn't heard what Loki said back as you went to retrieve the others from the couches, you were sure it wasn't a happy response though.

Everybody sat down finally. You sat at the end of the table, Nat and Clint on both of your sides. The silence burst into chatter and minor arguments quickly. Living with the Avengers wasn't the most normal thing in the world. You ate quietly listening to everybody's conversations. You glanced up at Loki. The cuffs had been taken off but in return were different metal restrainers cuffed on each of his wrists instead. He seemed to also be eating quietly as he death stared his food, not making eye contact with anybody. You had been watching him eat so sternly you zoned out for a moment. You didn't even notice him glance up at you as well. He happened to be at the other end of the table, giving a perfect view of each other.

Realizing he was watching you, you quickly looked down breaking the now awkward eye contact, you went back to eating.


Dinner had ended awhile ago. Everybody was propped up on the couch watching a movie. Loki had been given a book to pass the time.

"Hey kid, can you show Loki to his room?" Tony asked you suddenly

You looked up nodding, "Where is it located?"

"His room is the door over from yours. It's the closest unoccupied room from here. Plus you'll be able to catch him if he tries to escape again."

At this, Loki rolled his eyes, now watching Stark carefully but then returned to his book.

"Okay." You accepted the task and got up. "C'mon." You told Loki sternly motioning him to get up. He glared at you from behind his book, but reluctantly closed it and got up. You led him towards the elevator. "Be careful Y/N" Cap called after you. The doors shut before you could answer. Loki and you sat in awkward silence the whole time. 'Bing' sounded the elevator, as you stepped out onto the floor. Loki followed you as you strode past your own room to another pair of doors. "I'm going to assume this is the room Stark was talking about." You muttered, "Assume?" Loki raised an eyebrow frowning at you. "I only got here a day and a half ago Mr. Magic still figuring out where everything is." You quickly scolded him. He rolled his eyes again and pushed open the door, allowing you to see a bed, dresser and another room that looked like a bathroom before he slammed the door again in your face.

"Rude.." You sighed as you retired to your room as well.

(Published: 6/5/2021)

The Black Cat in the Window (Loki x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now