"What are you talking about?" Ryujin chuckled.

"We treat you like our own sister." Jennie said. "We have to give one of our sister's away now."

"Alright." Ryujin stopped walking when they got to the stairs.

"We love you." They smiled and hugged her.

"Too tight." Ryujin told them out of breath.

"Ok." They let go and sat in the first row. She stood there waiting for her bride to come out. The music started and everybody stood up and turned to see Cho Hee throwing flowers and Leo coming down with the ring. Behind them Lia was being walked down the aisle by Lisa and Jisoo. Ryujin smiled at her, Leo handed Ryujin the ring and went to sit next to his father.

Lia smiled at Ryujin as Jisoo and Lisa kept whispering in her ears.

"Yadom." Lisa whispered into Lia's ear causing Lia to hold back a laugh.

"My heart so bounce-ue." Jisoo joked.

"Guys stop, I'm gonna laugh." She covered their mouths.

"Alright, we have to let you go now, we love you." They hugged her.

"Love you guys too." She hugged them back. She stood next to Ryujin overjoyed. The ordain started speaking. They just stared at each other until he told them to join hands and repeat after him.

"I Shin Ryujin."

"I Shin Ryujin." She repeated. "Take you, Choi Jisu, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To be there for you through thick and thin. To cherish every moment with you, wherever life takes us."

"Now, I Choi Jisu." He turned to her.

"I Choi Jisu. Take you, Shin Ryujin, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To be there for you through thick and thin. To cherish every moment with you, wherever life takes us."

"Now, do you Shin Ryujin take Choi Jisu to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The ordain asked.

"I do." Ryujin nodded, now crying.

"You may place the ring on her finger." Ryujin put the ring on Lia's ring finger. "Do you Choi Jisu take Shin Ryujin to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Lia placed Ryujin's ring on the ring finger.

"I now announce you Mrs. and Mrs. Shin, wife and wife." He paused. "You may kiss the bride." Ryujin wrapped her arms around Lia's waist while Lia snaked her arms around Ryujin's neck and they kissed.

"WOOOOOO!" They heard from around them. "YEAAAAHHHH!" They pulled out and saw everybody clapping and cheering. They held hands and walked back down the aisle.

"I can't believe we're finally married." Ryujin sighed in content.

"Me neither." Lia smiled.

"Well Mrs. Shin, we have food downstairs, would you like to accompany me?" Ryujin linked their arms together.

"I would love to." They walked down the stairs. "I like the sound of Shin Jisu."

"Me too." Ryujin smiled. They walked down and soon more people joined them.

"Ryujin." She heard a manly voice behind her.

"Hm?" She smiled at her father.

"Can I meet the wife?" He asked. She nodded.

"Liaaa." She called out.


"My dad wants to meet you." She smiled.

"Hi Mr. Shin." She shook his hand. "I'm Julia, Lia, or Jisu."

"Nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." She smiled back at him.

"Well I'll let you guys go talk to the others, I'm gonna go hang out with Leo and Cho Hee." He walked away.

"He seems like a nice guy."

"Yeah, once you get past the fact that he just now came back." She gave her a smile and walked over to Yuna, Yeji, and the rest of them.

"So... your dad's back?" Yuna asked.

"Yup, Leo seems to like him." She nodded.

"How do you feel about him?" Yeji asked.

"I don't know yet." She shrugged. "It wasn't really his fault that mom turned out like that but he could have at least stayed to see Leo and I. But enough of that, let's eat." She pulled out a seat for Lia and they sat down to eat. Ryujin looked over and saw her dad on the floor playing with Leo and Cho Hee.

"What are you smiling about missy?" Lia nudged her wife's side.

"I guess I like seeing Leo with his dad." She shrugged.

"Are you gonna let Leo see him more often?"

"Maybe, I have to for sure trust him first." She frowned.

"Alright." Lia nodded. Ryujin put her arm around Lia and watched as her wife was laughing and happily talking to their friends.

"Look at Ryujin, just staring at Lia." Yuna laughed.

"What? Oh." Ryujin looked away blushing.

"It's ok honey, I know I'm pretty." Lia chuckled.

"Good." Ryujin smiled as Lia leaned her head on her shoulder.


A/N: Almost finished! I hope you enjoy!

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