It's okay?

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(This mashup is just 🔥 give it a shot)

Zayn's POV

"Mom, it's time for medicine. Wake up" I said moving her although it's only 3pm. The medicine is really kicking her hard.

"Can't it wait?" She groaned still facing her back to me.


"I hate medicine" she stated but still get up from her bed.

"Yeah, who loves medicine. Now have it. "

I just look at her and she looked back at me not amusing at all.

" I don't want to see you" she said.


"I need my son Harry, where is him?"

"Mom,that's so rude."

"I don't care, where is Harry now? HARRY!"

I rolled my eyes and waited for the curly to come upstairs.

"Yes momma, what's wrong?" He said holding her hands.

"Oh Harry, I miss you. Can you help me with my medicine?"

"Of course momma" he said and help her with her medicine.

"Harry? This guy is glaring at us. Can you ask him to get out?"

"Seriously?" I said crossing my arms.

This is too much. I just want to spend my time with her.

"Zayn, please get out ya."

I huffed and just left the room.

But I feel like they are going to talk about something. As a great person I am ,it's the best if I eavesdrop.

"Harry, I need to tell you something"

"What is it momma?"

"I'll tell you but can you please close the door. My stupid kid would be eavesdropping us"

Oh shit, she caught me. I immediately ran from the stairs. I heard the door closed. I sighed and make my way to play with my kids.

Well, my luck is just awful. All my precious ones are sleeping. My dad is out for walk. Guess I'm gonna go through tv.

"Wow, friends reunion? That's so cool. Harreh for sure would love it" I mumbled to myself and excited for it.

I end up watching Five Feet Apart but end up sleeping halfway. When I woke up I heard light giggles from the kitchen. I groaned when I got up. Sleeping on the couch in a weird position absolutely not comfortable.

I stretched myself and went to the kitchen. I saw my mom and Harreh are making dinner together. From the way it is, they're making chicken pasta.

"Well look who's up." I heard my mom said crossing her arms.

"I'm just a maid working here." I replied rolling eyes and past by  them to grab myself a water.

Both of them are giggling again which is testing my patience.

"Zayn, don't be dramatic. Let's have a dinner" I heard curly said but I ignore him and situated myself at the living room.

I heard foot steps coming towards me. And of course it's mom and Harreh.

" C'mon Zayn we've been waiting for you. It's already way past 8" Harreh said. He's probably put his hand on his hips. But I don't want to look at him now.

"So? Go ahead and eat without me. I'm nothing to you" I said the last sentence silently.

"Honey, I was just playing. I don't even have the rights to play with my son now?" My mom said sitting beside me shuffling my hair.

"I thought Harreh is your son" I said not looking at her eyes.

" He's my son too sonshine but you are my baby boy" she said placing a kiss on my cheek.

I couldn't help but tear up. I hugged her tight. She didn't say anything. She reply me with a hug and a kiss again on the forehead.

"I'm proud of you baby" my mom said and get up to go back to the kitchen.

" Zayn, c'mon let eat. " Harreh said grabbing me to the kitchen.

The whole dinner time, we were talking about my stupid self, how I broke my tooth by falling on the ground, how I hit a little boy just because he was playing on the swings, how I nearly got a dog kicked, how I once drown in the beach, how I fall fr my scooter when I first rode them, how I was crying for a week when I know there's no Santa Claus and so on.

"Mom, stop it can you? Its so embarrassing." I said hiding my face while drinking some juice.

"So what? I'm only telling it to Harreh. He needs to know." She said.

Harreh just smile wider which makes me smile too.

They went on again with how I ruined the Christmas tree, how I used my sister's makeup kit,how I dressed up as a sexy secretary for a party, how I got caught when masturbating and all stuff. I'm really flushing right now. And Harreh keep in looking at me whenever he's laughing.

"Yeah yeah you both enjoy my stupid stories. Let me clean this stuff" I get up to bring my plates to the sink but Harreh stop me.

"No babe, stay. I'll take care of the it" he said placing a sweet kiss.

"Zaynie?" My mom called me.

I hummed and went near her.

"Zayn, you wouldn't know how much I love you. I love you so much sonshine. And I know you're sad,but everyone will be gone one day and mine is just nearer. I'm just so glad to have you as my son. My responsible son."

My eyes are full of tears and my heart is aching.

"No sonshine don't cry. Don't cry now. Now I can wipe your tears but later I won't be there. Just be strong yeah. Your dad maybe looks strong but he's not strong inside. Trust me, he's just like you baby inside. Promise me to take a good care of him. I know he's avoiding this topic. But, I need you to let him understand. I know how much he's blaming himself and you also do it too. It's not your fault. See,I'm happy. I'm happy Zayn. And I want all of you to be happy too when I'm leaving." She pressed her lips in my forehead.

"Just remember I love you so much. I won't be gone anywhere. I will always looked up on you."

"Pr-promise?" I asked voice trembling.

"Promise honey. Now stop your crying. Let's play with your gems." She said but I was still gathering my thoughts again.

"Hye it's alright, it's okay" she said and cooed me back and forth. I inhale her scent. The scent that will gone too soon.

Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it.

I'm crying everyone 😭😭 idk why I've been seeing alot of things related to dying. Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter. Leave your thoughts. Love ya and stay safe ❤️

~Love J 💛💚

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