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Harry's POV

It's been 2 weeks since me and Zayn talked. Zayn gives respect for my words and never come back. He didn't even call me. But,as much as I upset with him I miss him a lot. I don't know if he does miss me but I miss him so much. Maybe I should just throw my ego away. I want to see him smile. His beautiful smile. He always smile with his tongue on his teeth.

 He always smile with his tongue on his teeth

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

One of the things I admire about him. Does he even know he kill people with looks? Duh,he's Zayn Malik. I'm sure he knows. He loves himself. Maybe I should just give a visit at our mansion.

Apparently Niall is dating Liam. He's kinda into Liam. But,they are taking slow I guess. That's what Niall told me. I grab my car key and smile to myself.
I'm meeting Zayn. I feel like I'm a 16 year old teenage boy who is meeting his crush for a date. I giggle to myself.
I on the radio and 18 by one direction was playing. God,it was so nice. And I was feeling the mood by driving to our mansion.

I give a salute to the guard and park my car at the reserve place. I went in and saw Maria,our maid cooking something delicious. It's past 12 so it's must be lunch.

"Good afternoon Maria."

She got surprised by my words. She even put her hand on her chest. "Good afternoon Mr.Styles"

"Sorry I scared you. Is Zayn is upstairs?"

"It's ok. Uhmm,yeah Mr. Styles is upstairs."she said nervously.


I went past the stairs to our room to found Zayn lying beside a blonde girl. Wait,am I seeing right? My heart just break into pieces. They both are sleeping peacefully. I close the door and run as fast as I could. I was crying to myself. I quickly went into my car and crying, screaming as hard as I could. I couldn't believe he cheats on me.

I don't know what to do. My face turn red because I've been crying for 2 hours now. I went back to Niall's,hoping Niall would be there to confront me. But,he's still not there. I'm not calling him either. I shouldn't interrupt his happy relationship with my sobbing stories. Let's just wait. My stomach was growling. I haven't had anything since I saw that. Thinking of them both made me cry. I'm crying again.

I can feel my eyes getting heavier. So,I decided to take a nap until Niall come back home. I hold a white teddy. The one Zayn won for me in a funfair.


"Hye Zaynie"
"Yeah Harold?"
"Can you see that white teddy bear,the big one?"
"Yeah,it's so clear. Why?"
"Well,can you get that for me? I'm not good at playing games."
"You asked the right person. Playing games is one of the things I'm good at. Let me win that for you."

"Yess,we won baby"
"Yeah,we did."
He handed me the white teddy bear. It was so fluffy.
"When I was not there with you,hold this teddy bear tight and I will appear at your room" Zayn said smiling sheepishly.

"When I was not there with you,hold this teddy bear tight and I will appear at your room" Zayn said smiling sheepishly

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Remembering the good things won't make things better. Im hugging this bear tightly Zayn,where are you? He's not only good at playing games. He's good with playing people's lives.

Zayn's POV

Last night was great. I went out to the club and I drank a few shots. It was a 100 year old tequila. Such a good content. I open my eyes to reveal my best friend beside me,in Harry's and my bed. What is she doing here? Why am I naked? Oh no,I hope it doesn't happen.

"Gi,wake up."

She groaned.

"Gi,come on. It's 3 pm for fuck sake"

"Just let me sleep for a few minutes"

"No,you going to get up and get dressed. And go home"

"Wait,I'm not dressed? What happened?"she panicked.

"I don't know. Do you feel sore or something?"

"I don't know. If we did,do we use protection?"

My eyes widened. "Fuck, Gi."

I started to cry. I cheated on Harry. Oh no,he don't deserve me. I thought I love him but here I fucked a girl no other than my best friend. I need to apologise to him. I'm such a crazy person.

"I'm sorry Gi. This won't happen again"

"Wait up. You don't like it?"

"Of course no. I love Harry."

"But,I like it. Zayn,we could sneak up behind him you know. That kid won't know."

"I can't believe you Gi. Just suck off. I'm not gonna betray Harold."

"Such a pussy. Let me just tell you,he saw us both already. So no more sneaking. He probably crying to himself and enjoying the heartbreaks"

"What do you mean?! "

"He saw us both naked sleeping together. He probably assume that you cheated on him. So,no more shy Zayn. Just hit it anytime."

"I hate you. I want you to leave this place now."

"But Za-"


"You're gonna die to yourself. If you need it,just give me a message."she said winking.

God,I fucked up. I just fucked up my life with a fucked problem. How should I face Harry? If he came today,it means he forgive me already. And I ruined it by sleeping next to the bitch. I hate myself right now. He probably having a mental breakdown. No,Harry has a fragile heart. He is probably curl up in ball. No,my baby. I'm sick of myself.

I grab a knife and give a few scratches around my wrist. I deserve this. More cuts,more blood. Still nothing is going to stop me from being a asshole for Harry. I've runied my life. I've runied our life.

This is sad man. I thought their going to get together but now Gogo entered the chat. So,what you guys think of this chapter? And what do you guys think of Holivia? I'm seriously jealous and sad but if Harry is happy,I'm happy. New song of Zayn is coming tommorow. I'm gonna vibe away the vibez 😂.   So,stay tuned for updates. Love you lots. Stay safe🌟✨

~Love J💛💚

Pair of kingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें